2014 NHC Seminars Posted

Posted here.

The speakers also.

…and the planning begins… On a side note I always hate that format… I wish it was better laid out in blocks… I always end up putting all the info into a spreadsheet to make my decision making easier…

I read through them on line, and then mark up the program after I register.  This year has so many that I want to see, but of course they are many conflicts. It is a good thing that the presentations are posted on line now after the conference, so one can review the ones that were missed.

If you do put it in a spreadsheet would you share it please?  Which seminars to attend and which ones to listen to?

Some great sessions.  I want to go to all of them.  ha.  ;D

“Cider Friday”…I like it. let’s make it an annual thing.  8)

see you in Salon A-D on Friday the 13th!

There is also a Mead track on Saturday in Ballroom B, as in Bees.


I’m pretty sure once you open it you can create a copy of it and then edit it… I usually mark the backgrounds of the seminars I want to go to with green, the ones I don’t with red, and leave the ones I’m unsure about in white… I usually change the time headers to a green back ground once I get a seminar in that block picked as well.

Of course I suppose I could have made each seminar link to their descriptions… but w/e

So… by june 15 those will all be podcast ready, right?

Those take a while to be posted, unless something has changed.

Well, poo

I can’t attend the conference and look forward to the podcasts, no matter when they are posted.

And thanks goes to AHA for posting the podcasts so we can still hear the presentations.

Thaaaaank you. Saved me some time doing that. Now to plan!  ;D

Okay… so I lied about the time saving thing. I went ahead and added comments to the original file so I wouldn’t have to click back and forth. Includes full descriptions and speaker names.

Should be able to download it from here and see all of the comments:

nice, yeah I mostly threw it in the blocks to make scheduling easier.  This is pretty handy though so you don’t have to keep referring to the website.  Thanks.

The blocks were great, doubt I would have attempted it if the framework wasn’t there! Quick copy/paste job for me.  8)

there’s a guy who has done this, and posted it on The Brewing Network forums.

Don’t miss the comedy stylings of Drew and Denny!  Live on stage, a blind triangle tasting!  :slight_smile:

Of course Denny, but was hoping to get you two to sign the book.  I guess next year…