I’m just wondering how long it takes for the seminars from this years National Homebrewers Conference to be posted to the site. I am not able to go (hopefully nest year). I do check out the slideshows and recordings that are posted.
Those take some time. The AHA staff was at the conference, and has to unpack in Boulder. They moved to a new office 2 weeks ago. Give it some time.
I would say it’s usually about a month after the conference if I remember correctly.
Agreed, and some presentations take a little longer to show up. Some will be on the site in a month or so.
Yeah I believe they do some minor editing like if the recording has a bunch of noise in the background etc… Or maybe I’m just pulling that out of my butt.
I get conference seminars published on the web as fast as I can, but right now I am still waiting on the audio and some visual presentations. Once I have all the attachments, it will be a priority to get them available to members. I will post on social media and in the forum once they are available.
And for those who aren’t aware, we post conference seminars (audio and visual presentations) under the [u]Let’s Brew Resources[/u] section on HomebrewersAssociation.org. We have full coverage starting in 2012. Check 'em out.
Thanks for your patience!
Awesome Duncan, thanks for all your efforts. I don’t mind waiting a month or two…I’m sure the AHA folks need a little break after getting back home from NHC too.
Great conference and can I say your security detail are people not to be messed with, but are some of the nicest people at the conference.
Too bad there isn’t video of the seminar Drew and I gave.
I attended seminar - it was great, funny, informative, entertaining.
I thought I saw a camera on the side of the room, so maybe they did video record it?
The stern looking guy with the crew cut, Kevin, remembered me from last year (in a good way). Talked to him several times and had good conversations. At the end he said that crowd was well behaved, and he really liked the layout of the Devos from his perspective.
I had 1 run in with security at the end of the club night. Ended up with some yelling and name calling but while doing all of that I did what I wanted to do anyways (get my keg on on my personal dolly with my cask and wheel it into the club night expo room). Though he wouldn’t let me put it with my other kegs at my club’s booth… saying it would be too confusing… So… I had to do a little searching in the morning vs just having all my stuff in one place… But w/e I was mad that night afterwards… but I had decided to just let it go and enjoy myself after that… 1 idiot isn’t going to ruin the conference for me.
I think I can safely say it won’t take a month, but I won’t make any promises yet :D. Stay tuned…
Boy, I hope so! That 10 Second Tincture demo would make a lot more sense with video! And we’re glad you enjoyed it. I was hoping that there would be at least as much info as entertainment!

Too bad there isn’t video of the seminar Drew and I gave.
Very entertaining. I went with Myles (who loved it and has been talking about it ever since). It was just what I needed the morning after Club Night! ;D
Thanks, I’ll look for them in a month or so. I’m hoping next year to make it to my first conference to see them live. I appreciate all the work you all do at AHA. Cheers!
Dan D
Hey guys,
I got most of the seminars up just now. We are still wrangling some missing presentations, but we’ve got the audio covered. You can find them here (don’t forget to log into the site!): [u]http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/lets-brew/resources/conference-seminars/[/u]
ROCKSTAR!!! What a quick turnaround…thanks!
If only there was video of Drew and me…

If only there was video of Drew and me…
Come on Denny, nobody wants to see that ;). A couple of crazy mad scientists running around bragging about tight they are with Robert Downey Jr.
Drew spewing mystery liquids all over the audience…