See the title. ;) Division and style/category winners are posted. Overall Best of Show judging happens this coming week - I’m targeting Thursday for that.
Woot! first in style, second in category!
Nice job, Jonathan ! Well done.
Congrats, man! We will start shipping swag soon.
Good job!
Great job Jonathan!
Congrats, Jonathan!
Looks like the move east didn’t hurt a thing with your brewing!
Can you post club affiliations so I know how much the BNA ruined this competition with their fake club?? 8)
Congrats Jonathan!
I knew my balanced and hoppy entries weren’t going anywhere when I tasted the bottles week of judging. I must admit curiosity for my score sheets for the malty entry. I suspect the bottles were undercarbed, but I served the rest of the beer at a beer fest the weekend after I bottled, and it was one of the first ones to blow.
Would you believe that a certain rookie competition organizer did not collect club affiliation at signup?
Something to fix for next year…
I thought that folded? Last I heard it was done. But I havent been listening for a few months. The forum kinda dried up and the focus on pro breweries on the shows pretty much burned me out.
I never go to the forums because we’re blocked at work for some reason (as in BN forums block my work IP not work blocks BN). Lunch time and breaks are pretty much my most common time for checking that sort of thing (my forum time at the house is pretty limited ironically).
Personally… I like leaving it as individual. Especially with Homebrew Hero.
Well, that was always an individual award, anyway…
Yeah my balanced was good but a couple bottles had a hint of contamination when I tasted then last week. The hoppy was okay too but not quite as smooth as I would have liked. More age before dry hoping was in order.
No idea on the BNA. I agree, it seems like several of the shows are running on fumes and just coasting on bringing in local breweries interested in free publicity or just burning time because Jamil is on the mic. I do listen religiously to the sour hour but Jay is more aligned with the milk the funk group than the BN.