I am just giddy over this. We are open for registration!
If you enjoy a competition that’s a little out of the ordinary, something that demands you go above and beyond… this is the competition for you.
I am just giddy over this. We are open for registration!
If you enjoy a competition that’s a little out of the ordinary, something that demands you go above and beyond… this is the competition for you.
Glad to have you.
A few hours in, we are already close to 25% full. The response has been pretty great!
I didn’t post but I maxed out my entries (one at each site). Hopefully judging date will line up for me too.
Yeah, I saw you on the list of potential volunteers. Matt Chrispen was pretty stoked to see your name.
Judging will be October 25th, if that helps.
Yeah, it really depends on scheduling at work and daughter’s band activities as to whether I’ll be able to break away for a trip to Austin.
As a father of seven, I get it.
Also, quick update - we just broke 100 beers entered, at just about 22 hours into the competition registration. That’s 1/3 of our initial entry cap!
I’m in, too. Sounds like a fun challenge. I like that the ingredient list is good, but not perfect, for pretty much each of the styles listed.
That was the idea. Give people a simple, easy to access set of building blocks that - with some creativity - can be used to make a wide variety of styles.
I’m really looking forward to seeing the creativity.
One of my biggest whiners over at reddit seems to have changed his tune after experimenting with roasting pils in his oven. Suddenly, that porter is no longer “impossible”.
lol…yeah, there are people that don’t believe my base malt in my scotch ale is simple Briess 2-row.
It’s pretty cool to see what you can do when you start asking “how can I…” instead of saying “I can’t”.
Ok I’m in. Malty Chicago. Time to dust off Radical Brewing…
Awesome, Jon! Best of luck to you.
I had a guy on facebook tell me that he wished he had beer to enter. I did a double take. I mean, sure, registration has had a very strong response, but this is just day two. The comp isn’t until October 25th… there is plenty of time to brew something for it!
Do people normally announce competitions so close to entry time that you can’t plan for them?
Kölsch and Munich Dunkel. Come at me!
Ok, you talked me into it - I’ve added a Munich Dunkel to caddy my Brown Porter. That’s two in Chicago. My volunteering options are getting limited.
lol… so, add a hoppy or balanced beer!
Challenge accepted.
I smile when I hear things like “I just can’t brew a Kolsch with 1% c-malt”!
Heh, that’s kind of the point, isn’t it? To see how good you can make your beers when operating outside of your comfort zone?
Incidentally - we’re halfway there to the entry cap already. Just sayin’.
Registered for California Common and Mild. These will be my first competition entries ever. Should be fun.
Glad to have you, Joel - good luck!
I wonder if we’ll keep this registration rate up. Even with a slowdown, I can’t see the cap not being hit before the end of July - probably well before then.