2016 AHA Conference Call for Seminars

The National Homebrewers Conference, presented by the American Homebrewers Association, is now accepting presentation submissions for educational seminars and poster presentations. The National Homebrewers Conference will take place June 9-11, 2016 in Baltimore, MD.

  1. [u]Review presentation guidelines[/u]
  2. [u]Submit your seminar proposal[/u]

Note: Please review the presentation guidelines before submitting your proposal. The submission deadline is Friday, November 20, 2015.

If you would like to find out more information about the conference, or about submitting a proposal, you can contact Matt Bolling, AHA Events & Membership Coordinator.

Wow!  You’re giving us over a year to think about it!

Ha! Thanks for catching that, Denny!

Yep - we’re always thinking really far in advance at HQ.

ah, it IS this year!  Guess Drew and I ought to start thinking about next year’s show!  :wink: