2015 Call for National Homebrewers Conference Presentations
The 2015 AHA National Homebrewers Conference is June 11-13 in San Diego, CA.
The American Homebrewers Association welcomes presentation submissions for educational seminars and poster presentations at the conference.
The deadline for proposal submissions is November 10, 2014.
This year’s conference is meant to present ideas to keep the modern brewer at the forefront of homebrewing, mead-making, and cider-making.
Presentations are expected to be 45 minutes with an additional 15 minutes for Q & A. Topics of interest include, but aren’t limited to:
• Homebrewing, cidermaking or meadmaking processes
• Homebrewing equipment
• Ingredients (such as: malted barley, hops, water, yeast, honey, apples, alternative ingredients, spices, etc.)
• Going-Pro (professional brewers, brewery owners, homebrew shop owners, etc.)
• Beer styles
• Homebrew retail
• Homebrewing industry (such as: owning and running a homebrew supply shop, retail and marketing practices for running a business)
• Tasting and judging beer
• Forming and maintaining a club
Guidelines and Requirements
Please review the [u]presentation guidelines[/u], submission requirements and the evaluation and selection process before submitting your proposal.
[u]Submit Your National Homebrewers Conference Seminar Proposal[/u]
Any inquires can be directed to Matt Bolling, AHA Events & Membership Coordinator.
Matt Bolling
AHA Events & Membership Coordinator