2016 Homebrew Con

Homebrew Con? Find it a little embarrassing?

Sure, we’re a bunch of dorky, beer geeks, but did we need to make it this obvious?

You read my mind…when I saw that today, I thought “WTF?”.  There was nothing wrong with the previous name…why change it?

OK, here’s a campaign promise…if I am elected to the GC in the current election, I will work to eliminate this embarrassment!  :wink:

Kinda tumbles off the tongue, doesn’t it. Come on folks, it’s the NHC.
Why throw away that brand?

I wish I could vote for you a second time because of that.

While I think it’s a lame name, I feel that it should have a different name to prevent confusion between NHC the conference and NHC the competition.

How about giving the comp a new name?

Amanda will tell you I’ve been b*tching about the name for two weeks now.

…Whatev. It is the people that make it the best; that hasn’t changed.

I am indifferent to which, but feel one should be changed.

Meh…the final round of the competition is judged at the conference, so I’m not sure how many people get confused about it.

I’ve heard that argument, but to me, they are so closely intertwined that they’re no need to differentiate.

But if you must . . . How about IHC, since “International” entries are excepted in the competition?

I dunno, I always thought it was weird to have one acronym with two meanings for basically the same event.

So I’m not supposed to show up in my kilt and maille?

I got the email today and was too embarrassed by the term “Homebrew Con” that I didn’t even let it languish in my inbox. I deleted it. And I delete almost nothing.

I hope they change it back for 2017. I will tell no one that I’m going to “homebrew con” - ugh. It’s NHC, thank you very much.

Alright - that settles it. I’m voting for Denny.

Sorry folks, but NHC stands for at least a couple of things in our world. National Homebrew Contest and National Homebrewers Conference. We got tired of confusing these things and frankly, we wanted to freshen the convention perception. Therefore, you now have HomebrewCon. Yes, it is geeky, but its our new moniker.

I agree with the reasoning, disagree with the victim.

Edit - I just contradicted myself. Maybe I just really don’t like that name.

How about National Competition of Homebrewers?

Yep. Though I will still say NHC for a few years out of habit.

I for one like the new title! Kudos!

By the way I think Kudos is the word used by command staff when proposing a toast with Romulan Ale, which by the way is made with 100% pale quatrotricticale, and never ever step mashed.

I’d love to hear what said perception is, and what “freshen” means, specifically

Jim… you handcuff cons right? at least escaped cons?

I have never liked “Con” because of the convict association… but I maybe the only person that feels that way. I guess it is slightly better that “Convent”… but that might be slightly fun for NHC.