We got my son a 3D printer for Christmas, and of course I’ve been using it as much as he has. Anyone else have one? I’m interested to see if anyone else has printed some cool stuff, beer-related or not.
My most recent prints have been trying to get some tap handles that will fit in the constraints of my 3 tap tower. The outer two have a slot to slide some paper or a business card with a beer description. I haven’t found a good one that I can fit between them yet, thus the generic “IPA” tap for now.
This is a handle for a tall boy can. It feels a little wiggly while holding it, but no accidents so far. I think the 12 oz can version probably feels a bit more stable.
There are a whole lot of designs on sites like http://thingiverse.com that are available for free download. The 3d printing community is pretty open with sharing their designs.