Now that I’ve finally figured out the picture posting process, I thought I’d share a few pics of my keg system. I took an old 15 cu ft chest freezer that had seen better days, filled the dings, primed and painted it, added castors, a 2x8 collar and 1x10 fascia wrapped in stainless steel print vinyl, added 5 taps (4 cornies and 1 sankey), a couple of bottle openers, a speed rail for a drip tray resting on a couple of JB-welded bracket out of sight, and its done. Recently I upgraded the tap handles from the little cheap black plastic ones. I took some table legs and mini photo frames, and well you can see the rest. Next plan is to switch to perlicks. I welcome comments or questions. Thanks for looking,
from this…
to this…
upgrade to 5 taps…
upgraded handles…
a sneak peek inside… I ran 9’ lengths of 3/8" ID (fastened around the collar for neatness), serving at 13psi / 37F.
Very nice, i did something very similar with mine. But one of the major differences is that i used Spray Chalk Board on the top. So now i just write what is on tap on top and everyone knows. my kids like to doodle in the corners also when they get their rootbeer. Mine is not nearly as pretty as yours, mine sits in the basement.
Thanks, I really like the chalk board approach too - seems like a great way to have some flexibility and creativity, but the chalk dust kills my allergies, so I’ll stick to printing out tap labels. My system just lives in the garage next to the dart board. I don’t have a basement unfortunately.
Sorry guys, I must have missed a couple of replies a while ago.
The logo was made for me by a friend who works in the graphics dept of the office. Cost me just a few beers. Now I have the jpegs, and I can just use PowerPoint or something similar to print labels. I’ve also had 20oz pilsner glasses laser etched with the logo. I should post a pic of those too.
You cant drill through the freezer wall because you’ll hit cooling circuits. You could drill the lid and mount a tower, but I prefered the collar. Gives some extra height too, which you need to give yourself some working room.
The hardware was a combination of Northern Brewer, and one of my LHBS, who I wont name because they’ve recently jacked their prices and adjusted attitudes! I made the tap handle myself, there’s a thread in the Equipment folder about it.
Wanted to resurrect this to show off the updates. I added another tap (its a 6 banger now) and reworked the lines to tidy them up. There’s 7 full kegs in there in preparation for the big Christmas party next weekend.
I know the last image has nothing to do with the kegerator, but a dart board is a must in any self respecting beer garage…
That is a beauty. If you dont mind can I get a estimated ball park figure on total cost. Im going to show this to my wife because I want one, and you know what the 1st question would be…
Id would want to run probably 3-4 taps on mind to begin. Already have a collection of tap handles to use.