OK so I brewed the kit from NB for the Iresh Red Ale and pitched the Danstar Nottingham Ale Yeast at 70deg F. I have had the ferm vessel at 60 since and I have no fermentaion signs. I have not checked gravity but I have not signs in the airlock and no head what soever on the top of the wort. It looks the same as it did when i poured it in the carboy.
I am going to check gravity this evening to verify. If in fact it has not begun to ferment can I pitch more yeast or anythig else to still fement this batch?
Get a second pack of dry yeast and throw it in there IMMEDIATELY. Nottingham ale yeast has quality issues and isn’t alive on occasion. It is for this reason that I don’t use Nottingham anymore. US-05 works great in a pinch like this. Or Munton’s or S-04 would be a little more English/Irish in character if you’ve got either of those.
Well another thing is 60 is pretty cold, I would warm it up to around 65 and wait till the 72 hour mark. At that point if nothing or no hydro reading, then re hydrate and repitch.
Did you re-hydrate your yeast before pitching? If so, did it show signs of life? What was your OG?
I don’t know if I would pitch another pack of yeast. I have had fermentation stall initially. What was your pitching temp? I would follow amh0001’s advice and warm up the fermentation chamber a bit.
OK so it must have been a temp thing. The wife just called and it is fermenting away. Thank you for all the input.
Yeah, I was going to say. I wouldn’t be anxious until you don’t see any activity after 72hrs.