a Belgian in Vienna

Spending a couple of days in Vienna, where it’s quite hot, so here we go. Know nothing about German beers, apart from Weizen and Rauchbier.

A can of Ottakringer Helles from the local supermarket. My first Helles, I’m so excited!

Tastes like bland pils.

Agreed…not a fan of helles.

Maybe they are better in Germany

Or maybe I just don’t like the style.  I’ve had more than a few German helles, all of them in very good condition.  I just find them bland and boring compared to a N. German pils.  If others like them, great…I’m just not a fan.

After drinking several fresh liters under the chestnut trees in Munich I changed my mind.  :wink:

Drinking a very opaque " Vienna Pale" in a brewpub. Damn, that’s a confusing name…

And I might also under those conditions!

A Cooked Corn Zwickl.

I’ll be there in 43 days, save some for me :wink:

I was try to give the OP a bad time for going to Vienna to try German beers…

Challenge accepted. Name a truly Austrian beer style and I’ll go and drink a specimen.

Ah apparently there’s an Austrian Maerzen, sweeter than the German version. Had a can of that when I got back to the apartment. Caramelly sweet. Ditched it.

I’m heading to Munich in the fall. Now I know what to avoid :slight_smile:

I hear there’s an awesome Roggenbier to be found in Munich somewhere.

The fall?

Drinking a 100 percent German Helles Bock from Rogue.


LOL. I’m planning a Franconian beer tour in the anti-spring.

Very funny. Anyway, here’s a picture that shows the height of Viennese cuisine: https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11813346_10153481565588680_3858475389668336951_n.jpg?oh=e0291e2f6e206a0f872e8b1bf978c99d&oe=5652A5EA

Mega biergarten factory. They first fill the glasses with foam, and then slide them on to a second tap to fill then with the liquid beer. Budweiser Budvar. Tasty in its untasty way.