I’ve decided that the time is approaching in my brewing career to take a stab at an American-style pale lager. I’m not a huge fan of the style, but there is something refreshing about a clean, crisp lager that I can get into every once in a while.
My thought is to bring in the flavor profile that I enjoy from German lagers to amp up the flavor a bit. So I’m planning on German Pils malt, plus Munich and a bit of Aromatic to amp up the malt flavor. I’m going to use a German lager yeast as well.
The question then becomes whether to use corn or rice as my adjunct. I’m thinking corn, but I’m not really familiar with either.
You will end up with something more like American Oktoberfest with a recipe like that. If you are after crisp, I would ditch the Munich and Aromatic and stick with the Pilsner malt. Continental pilsner malt will get you enough malt in the flavor, and the corn will also give some sweetness. I have brewed those types of beers when I am out of six row (continental pils + corn), and they are pretty good.
My Munich Helles is 100% Pilsner malt and has a wonderful light maltiness, but it’s not as light as an American Light Lager. I recommend corn, rice and Pils malt. Try something along the lines of 60%Pils/20%Corn/20% Rice for a light American Lager.
I’m going to brew essentially the same beer soon. I’m wondering about late additions. I’m not concerned about style guidelines, just good beer. What I’m thinking is 2 oz. of Saaz at flameout for a 10 minute hopstand. What do you think?
Here’s the basics:
8 lbs 12.0 oz Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (2.0 SRM) 81.4 %
2 lbs Corn, Flaked (1.3 SRM) 18.6 %
1.50 oz Saaz [5.60 %] - Boil 60.0 min 25.5 IBUs
2.00 oz Saaz [5.60 %] - Boil 0.0 min 0.0 IBUs
1.0 pkg Pilsen Lager (Wyeast Labs #2007)
I agree that if you want it to resemble the most popular examples of American Lager, Pils should be the only malt and you need some adjunct. I find rice more flavor-neutral than corn. I like your choice of Sterling. I haven’t tried that yeast, but I’ve had success with both Wyeast 2124 and 2035 in this style.
Interesting difference of opinions here. A lot of the suggestions are along the line of brewing a Helles. That’s in my plans eventually, but not exactly what I was thinking for this brew.
The American Oktoberfest comment is actually spot-on. I had an Oktoberfest in my first keg as I was trying to dial in my kegging setup. It ended up overcarbonated and too cold (I couldn’t figure out the right spot to stick my Johnson.). It went down super easy and led me down this path.
This beer is basically my fest where I swapped the Vienna for adjunct and dropped the CaraMunich.
As far as 2007 goes, I just don’t like that super clean Bud-like flavor that much. I like the faint sulfur note from the 2633. Plus, I’m also due to rebrew my Ofest, so I can just make a big starter to split between the two batches.
As far as the rice solids idea goes, I assume that goes right into the boil, right? What’s the difference between that and regular sugar as far as the finished beer goes? I like that idea, because then I don’t have to worry about converting adjuncts in the mash and can use a step-down mash like I did with my recent barleywine.
My last helles was 100% Best pils malt. It turned out almost exactly like Hopfbrau helles. Very clean, light malt character, very easy drinking. Many of the other helles biers I’ve have much more of a Munich malt presence, whereas the Hopfbrau helles has none of that.
If you’re wanting American lager, go with what some others said and do like 80% pils malt, 20% rice or corn. Use your 2633 yeast, hop to 18-20 IBU. The rice solids I think can go in the mash, not the boil.