(Adjusts hus propellor hat accordingly…)
Mac Mini running Mac OS X Server 10.6.6, 4GB RAM, 6T of attached storage. Acts as a file server, mail sever, MySQL server, web server, DNS server, Calendar server and address book server.
Mac Pro 2 x 2.4GHz quad-core Xeons, 8GB RAM (really want to put 16GB in…), 7T internal storage. Mac OS X 10.6.6 and Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. Also has Parallels and Fusion with Windows XP (3-copies), Vista Business 32-bit, Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, and Ubuntu. Viewsonic VP191b and a 27-inch Apple LED Cinema Display.
Macbook Pro 15", 4GB RAM, 500GB 7200RPM HD.
MacBook, 4GB RAM 320GB HD.
Mac Mini, 2GB RAM 320GB HD (the kids’ toy), with Parallels running WinXP (for school stuff that only runs on Windows).
iPhones and iPod touch. iPad.
Windows XP machine with a 1.6GHz AMD in it, 2GB RAM, and a hard drive. This supports my Davis weather stations and WeatherLink software.
Dell Optiplex 270GX running pfSense. This box is my router and IDS system. It’s also running Snort because it can and serves as my VPN supporting PPTP and IPSec.
I have a bunch of other crap lying around too, some if it does stuff and some of it is parts (you gotta’ have parts).
I own a computer consulting company, so that’s why I have all this crap. I’m always on the lookout for computers–either Macs or PCs–that people are throwing out. I can usually harvest some good working parts out of them and make something (and justify needing that something).
Although it looks like I am a Mac fanboy, I need to support both platforms for my customers. It’s easier for me to virtualize what I need on a Mac than on a PC. And any work that requires a dedicated PC, I have a few of those lying around. I like the differences between the platforms–they all do something really good that the others do not–and it’s interesting to realize the individual efficiencies in each one.