A newer, helathier Weaze.

So, I started a diet program yesterday. six meals a day, smaller portions, a protein and a carb. Drinking tons of water. ONe gallon plus per day. I’m hitting the tread mill, and weights. I started at 235, and My goal is 215. I’m happy to say, I’ve already lost 4.5#. I know a lot is water weight, but it’s still cool to say I lost 4.5lbs.
  Cool thing is, the plan I’m doing gives you a “free day”. So, Sundays I can go nuts, and even hit the taps. Wish me best, my brewers.  8)

All the best, brew bro.

Don’t know about no pants brewing, but dropping 20 lbs. will definitely mean new pants brewing . . .  :smiley:

good luck barry

my best advice is to really focus on running.  you can shred pounds in no time if you start running, and can even drink a bunch of beer every now and then and not show it.  set a race as your goal and work toward it - maybe there’s a 10k in the spring or something up there - look up a plan (I like halhigdon.com) and work at it.

BTW - aren’t you like 6’5" - 235 ain’t that bad at that height, my man.

I’m 6’3". I’m not really fat anywhere, except a belly. I think I am going to look and see what I can enter, as far as a marathon, or something. That would be a great goal. Thanks for the encouragement.

Good luck man…I’m doing something similar myself right now.  So far down 10lbs…hang in there…the first week is the toughest.

A word of advice…get your carbs from veggies rather than grains, bread, pasta,  or potatoes, and it goes a LOT faster.  And when you reintroduce the grain and starch based carbs, watch the portions, and you’ll be fine.

Getting older with a slowed metabolism sucks.

Way to go, buddy!  I’m making up for a lapse by hitting the treadmill nearly every day.  Some days you just don’t wanna do it, and those are the days you need it the most.

It always amazes me how the body will react to training. Definitely plan ahead. 6 months is a good time period.
Last time we trained for a marathon we couldn’t jog 3 miles without wheezing. Just before the marathon was scheduled we ran into friends. They said “just getting started?” after we had run 10 miles (of a 22 mile day).

Good on ya, Weaze. I’m right there with you - lost 22 pounds since July, with 6 more to go. My number one suggestion would be to count calories. I use caloriecount.about.com. As long as you’re honest with yourself about intake and output, you can’t not lose weight.

When in doubt, keep the diet the same, and increase the exercise. Weight training might hurt you on the scale, but it’ll help you burn calories in the long run.

Make sure you have fun! No point getting healthy if you aren’t enjoying the process.

Good luck dude! The most important part of staying fit is to get off yer’ butt. Turn the TV off and go for a walk, even if you hit the tread mill earlier in the day. :wink:

Way to go Wease.

I lost 15 lbs at the end of last year just by running 3 miles 3 - 4 times a week.  It felt great to get into good cardio shape but when I started back up this year I got my right IT band screwed up.  Probably from cheap shoes or my right leg might be a touch shorter.  I’m gonna do higher reps in the weightroom instead of my usual strength training to replace running for a while.

I suggest jiu jitsu, cardio and moderate weight training.  That regimen helped me lose about 40 pounds in the last year, but then again, being in Afghanistan without beer has helped.  My wife did what blatz said- she started running with half marathons as her goal.  With about 6 months of training and watching what she is eating, she has dropped a bunch of weight also. 
Jiu jitsu is more fun than running in my opinion, and just think- you might get lucky and find out where BFI trains.

Running is at least a thou$and cheaper a year though.  :wink:

They say to maintain a healthy diet, assure adequate rest and get good excercise. If I could maintain all three consistently, I would be in better shape.

Sounds like a good plan Weaz. Just make sure you get adequate rest.  :wink:

FWIW (and sorry to sidetrack the thread) there are many studies that suggest athletes who run in cheap shoes sustain fewer injuries. The more padding you have on the sole, the less perceived impact there is, and the more force you’ll unconsciously transfer into your legs. A ball bearing superglued under the heel will do wonders for your form. ;D

So if I wear the outside corner of my heals down faster, your saying to superglue a BB there?  or are you joking?

A ball bearing under your heel would be so uncomfortable it would force you to run on the balls of your feet.

Nope, that’s probably actually a pretty good technique you have. You want to land more or less in the middle of the foot, on the outside edge where you have a giant muscle for padding, then roll along the outer edge until you push off with the ball. It’s called “pronation”, which Nike has turned into a bad word, but it’s the stride people who don’t run in shoes naturally adopt.

A lot of people who have been running in thick-soled shoes their whole life land smack in the middle of the heel, which is the worst thing you can do, injury-wise. It’s also a less efficient stride, since it doesn’t take advantage of the natural alignment of the tendons in the foot and lower leg.

Way to go Weaz !!!

Keep up the hard work. Been a while since we conversed…today I just happened to be looking at pics I had downloaded from you of some very delicious jalapenos wrapped in…BACON!!!

…no pressure, OK?


Truth be told, I’m leavibg tonight for a long weekend in Albany, NY. And yes, the wheels, and the rest of the cart are gonna fall off!!!  ;D

Weaz…I was thinkin’ about these today.

Bacon wrapped cheddar chese stuffed jalapenos…with a nice IPA.  ;D
