Haven’t been around much lately. I’m still really into beer, and I still like girls. Just haven’t been myself lately. Been on a couple meds for about two weeks to try and get my head screwed back on straight. Been having some pretty heavy depression / anxiety. Nothing enviormental, all chemical (in my head). Got me on happy pills, so I’m hoping I’ll be DTF any day now. As of right now, I have no drive, no motivation, no energy, pretty much nothing brings me joy. Basically, no will to go on. Just going through the motions. I’ll be back to normal eventually. Dealt with it for a year or so back in my teens. It just decided to crop up again. I’m not posting this for a pity party. I just been out for a while, and didn’t want you guys putting up “lost brewer” posters of me, like last time. ;D
Damn, and I had the proofs ready to go to print.
Keep your chin up, brother. Missed seeing your posts.
Been there. Can’t say much but glad to hear you’re getting some help. Sucks until you get your head right but you’re not alone.
Glad to hear you are still around. I’ve dealt with what you are feeling, on and off, for years. Hang in there and keep working at it, it will get better.
Good to hear from ya, Barry. Take care of yourself.
It’ll get better. Been there, done that.
I’m pulling for you Barry…keep on truckin’
You’ll win some and you’ll lose some. Keep your head up and you’ll win!
Cheers man!
Best thing for depression is Bacardi 151 and porn.
Seriously though, I’ve cut back to one or two beers a week, and I feel much better (physically/emotionally). I haven’t cut back on porn at all, though, so that part is good advice.
These things pass weaze. I suggest activity. A body at rest tends to stay at rest.
These things pass…
Good advice from Euge. Push forward…and i do mean push. Make yourself just do something. Walk, cook something you’ve never cooked before. Try to eat healthy and turn off the TV.
Don’t know what your personal situation is like, but if you’ve got the time, go volunteer somewhere. Helping others is a great way to help yourself.
And keep posting…we miss the Weazely observations.
Take care of yourself Weaze, you’ve been missed!
Been there, seem to do that with some regularity. Wishing you the best of luck with getting good help for it.
For what it’s worth, I recommend volunteering. Helping other people seems to make you feel like a worthwhile human being more than indulging your own (usual) desires. But I also have to learn to take my own advise on the matter, sometimes.
Ditto man. Been a hard few months for me too, especially the last two weeks. You are not alone.
Keep on movin’, brother. Take care of yourself, there’s only one Weaze! 8)
It has been well documented that wearing pants increases anxiety and depression. My advice is to get that kilt on and keep it on.
Hang in there.
I also concur. No pants also works well too for decreasing anxiety & depression.
Hang in there, weaze, sounds like you’ve got a good direction from your original post. Keep it going!
As windy as it is here wearing a skirt(kilt) would be a major source of anxiety for me and everybody around me.
Your big brother says just snap out of it you Pu—!
Hey why don’t you call when you need help from your BIG FAT A$$ bro.
Sunshine, physical exercise, rest, and nutrition. Kick the meds as soon as possible, they’re poison. Don’t ask me how I know. Good luck my brother, life is good.