Does anyone out there use acid malt to get a bit of Guinness “tang” when brewing a dry stout?
What % and when in the process?
Would seem to me to be the wrong time to add lactic acid. Instead, add to taste before packaging for better results.
- 1 - your mash will likely be fairly acidic as it is with the roasted grains.
It depends on the water.
Guinness is brewed with almost Pilsen-like water and the sourness is the result of the separate roast barley liquor being added back to the main wort. Roast barley steeped in water with very little alkalinity will produce a pH of around 4.5…plenty acidic. Not much need for acid malt or post ferment lactic addition.
If you brew with an alkaline water, then you are likely to need to include extra acidity in some form. Acid malt or another external acid are candidates.
Good to know; my water is fairly soft.