adding ball valve and dip tube to 10g kettle

Im lately feeling like its stupid/reckless to be trying to lift and pour 5-6 gals of wort into a fermentor.  Its always been my technique, since the extract days.  Temp at that point isnt an issue, but what if I want to try no-chill at some point?  Spills are an issue now, however, and Im always trying to pour as quickly as possible, cause its damn heavy and it drips onto my shoes, etc.  Also, after a discussion on aeration, I feel like simply pouring wont result in enough O2 in the fermentor.  So Ive decided to drill and install a valve assembly on my 10g megapot, with a downward-curved dip tube, similar to what came with my Anvil ss bucket fermentors.

I like how the barbed end out front is curved downward, to avoid hose collapse, and is easy to take apart and clean, just like the dip tube inside.  Wondering if their included Orings and (nylon?) washer will take the heat of repeated boils and temp changes?  They werent made with this in mind I know…anyone know the specs or materials/temp ranges for those?  Ive emailed Anvil, but dont expect a reply too soon, since its a holiday…

Also, those of you using a ported kettle, do you really take it apart and clean it for each boil?  Was kinda assuming it would self sanitize with the heat…

I use ez clean ball valves so it’s very easy to disassemble, clean, and reassemble after each brewday. I use a side pick inside the kettle. Silicone can withstand the heat.

Hmm, I wish I could but I should have mentioned Im starting with a blank kettle - how do you attach TC ports to a blank kettle?  …looks like Id have to weld up a TC bulkhead?  Im not sure I want to go to that amount of work just to rack into the ferm.

otherwise the cost is nearly the same as threaded valves…damn.

You have to drill a hole either way. You can do welding if you want. But if you attach a weldless bulkhead you can thread on accessories both inside and outside.

KCGuy, maybe I missed something, but… if you are chilling before you send it to the fermenter,  and are just trying for an easier way to transfer, why not just an auto siphon,  at least until you figure out if you really need something more elaborate?  That’s how I run from a 10 gallon kettle to fermenter.  Cheap and easy, simple to clean, no assembly required.

No, you didnt miss anything Robert, thats the only function I need this for.  Sometimes I just over-reach.  I probably should just use my siphon.

Simple Homebrewing