Adding coffee to a stout

I’d appreciate input on preferred ways to add coffee to a stout. I’m brewing today, thanks.

I have had good results with “cold brewing” the coffee in water on the counter for a few days. Then filter through a coffee filter before putting it in secondary or a keg. I had better filter results with finer ground coffee. Would have to look at my recipe but it was a few ounces of coffee to five gallons of beer.

You’ll get lots of different responses, because there are different ways to go about it. I like to add coarsely cracked beans (quality and freshness is big) to a fine mesh nylon bag, like a paint strainer bag. Bag gets added after beer is at FG, then you sample every day until the coffee character is where you like it, usually around 2 days. Then pull the bag and package. 4 oz is a good amount to use. Good luck.

There’s a talk in last year’s  AHA conference by the Modern Times crew.  MT recommends dry-beaning with 2-5 oz in 5 gallons for 12-24 hours prior to packaging for a moderate coffee flavor. They don’t want coffee with a beer flavor, and neither do I.  I’ll be dry-beaning a batch of porter tomorrow with Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

I really hate to be that “use the search guy,” honestly I do. That said, there is a thread that was started less than a few weeks ago and update less than a week ago.

I apologize for the breach of forum etiquette. I was in a hurry and wanted to ask a quick, simple question, thinking this was an open, friendly, inclusive forum. I’ll make a mental note to not make that mistake again.

I’m not trying to be a jerk. This is honestly the first time I have ever said anything like this.

No need for mental notes. This is a cool forum, Stevie is a cool guy, and this is a cool recent thread about coffee:

At least, it was cool until I hijacked it.

I brew alot of stouts and one in particular is my breakfast stout which as you may guess is heavy coffee.  I have tried cold brewed coffee tea, Espresso, espresso tea, muslin of cracked beans, etc. etc.  I found the best flavor and most gradual build of flavor without being harsh, acidic  or overpowering was to add whole roasted beans which i first wash in bourbon to sterilize to the secondary.  I brew ten gallon batches so I add 12-16 ounces of whole beans to the secondary and let them soak for up to 7 days.

I would never add them to the boil, even if it were at flame out as you will extract way way too much flavor and possibly oils from the beans which will stale for sure.  Good luck, but I have found in the 50 some odd batches I have brewed that the best results, “FOR ME” is to use whole bean secondary.

Well lets not go that far, shall we?  ;D  (Just ribbing ya Stevie!)