Not the mash or boil, but what about in the glass? I thought I remember Mort (or someone) saying they added a pinch of Gypsum to the glass to accentuate the hops. I brewed an AIPA with and without additives. The one without has a subdued hop character. Can I add some Gypsum to the glass and how much?
I can’t claim to have tried it. I did try calcium chloride to interesting effect. I think it was Martin that was talking about that. maybe Kai? one of the water gurus
Of course you should be weighing it out to the nanogram and dropping a stir bar in your glass…just kidding!
I’ve just added a few dashes of sulfate to try the effect and it does work. It does take a while for the gypsum to dissolve though.
If you decide to add a dose to a keg, then you probably should figure out what the dose should be and add that to the keg and give it a shake. It should be dissolved in several hours.