Adjunct Mash

Randy Mosher talks aboiut doing an adjuct mash when using ingredients like raw wheat and oats for his wit.  He suggest using 6-row malt for this.  If I don’t have 6-row will 2 row be good enough?


These days a 2-row base malt has nearly as good a diastatic power as 6-row, I’m sure it will convert a good portion of adjunct as long as it is gelatinized.

don’t forget there is much more husk in the 6-row.  try it both ways (if you have the time and resources) and let us know the results.

True, you could add some rice hulls to mimic husks for the adjunct portion.  I haven’t needed it for wheat beers, some other adjuncts tend to slow the lautering though.

You really only need enough DP to get conversion before cooking. I don’t think you even need complete conversion because that can happen in the main mash. I’ve done cereal mashes with Pilsner malt.