Good morning. My LHB store carries nothing but Admiral Maltings for base malts. Having never used them, I am wondering if there is any significant difference between them and the base malts I can get thru Morebeer or NB?
Just a guess, but based on extensive use of craft malt, my guess would be that there is a significant difference. Maybe someone will have direct experience to relate, but my advice would be to give it a try and decide for yourself.
I would say you are very lucky! I love Admiral Maltings malts. I got them through MoreBeer for a while, then when MoreBeer dropped them I couldn’t find them for a couple of years. Now I am buying them again from Oak Barrel Winecraft in Berkeley. Admiral Maltings malts are a bit pricey compared to the giants, but in my opinion they are well worth it.
I have not used them but from the description they seem like a very good maltster that uses the floor malting process. As Denny stated try a batch like you would your other malt and see how it turns out. Also please report back would be interested to hear your experience
That is where I am going to go to get the grains. It is about an hour drive, but what the heck, i don’t mind a road trip. LOL
I’ve used quite a bit of their pils malt. Good stuff, alot of the grassy and hay notes typical of continental pils. I’ve also used their vieena style malt, I cant remember the name). It was very good, much maltier and fuller flavored than any other vienna maly I’ve used.