
What flavor does agave add to beer?

I’ve only ever used it once, as a late addition to the boil, in an American Wheat beer (why, I have no idea).

I could not make out any flavor from it whatsoever.

I use about 5% in my mexican lager and I can’t detect it but I still use it anyway. It’s pretty much like using plain honey in that it ferments out and leaves nothing behind. I just made a honey lager with 10% wildflower honey. It left behind a floral character but no “honey”…

I haven’t used it in beer. But I use agave syrup in my tea or coffee sometimes (supposedly the glycemic index is lower than cane sugar). The flavor is very mild — I’d expect it to pretty much disappear in a beer.

I think I’ll skip getting agave and just up the base grains in the mini-mash to get the O G that I’m going for.

It’s the flavor of tequila basically but you need a lot of it and preferably darker syrup to get decent flavor. Most agave syrup/nectar is refined down to a light honey like flavor as a table sugar or honey substitute. No real point in using that.