On a lark I decided to brew my first Brew in a Bag while simultaneously bottling my first SMASH (2-row and Equinox). I conjured a Russian Imperial Stout with about 4.5 pounds of grain for a 1 gallon batch. I guesstimated the efficiency at 70% with an anticipated OG of 1.106. I was off by a just a wee little bit. Efficiency was about 80% and the OG came out to 1.121. I pitched a full pack of Safale 04 and the anticipated final abv is around 11.1%. Originally I considered making this a Christmas gift beer for this year, now with that OG I’m thinking next year may be more apropos. In y’all’s experience how long should one age an RIS this big before bottling and/or when do you think it would peak? It’s IBU is estimated at 73 (galena and mt. hood)?
Bottle. When you think it tastes good. I normally bottle after a few months (long ferment then I add oak or fruit) then let it age out the in to bottle for as long as I can stand.
If you can, I’d try to control your ferm temp around 60 degrees for a week or two and then allow the temp slowly rise. Your fermentation is going to erupt if you don’t control it. If you can’t ferment at a lower temp, you will probably get a strong booziness in the beer.
As long as you manage the fermentation well, it should easily be ready in three months. You might find that it improves with more aging, but you’ll have to taste it to know.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Looks like it ultimately comes down to personal taste. This is far and away the biggest beer I’ve ever brewed. I did an old ale once, but it came in the 8.5% range.
What was your grain bill?
A beer that big I wouldn’t even contemplate trying one for a year or so.
I’ve brewed a couple of RIS’s and I bulk aged them in a corny keg for 6 months before reseeding with yeast and bottling.
Even after a year I still think they are bit young…certainly better to my taste after longer maturation.
Most of my imperial stouts are drinkable at about 3 months, but they develop with time. My last one was bulk aged for 6 months, and it has been in the bottle for about 3-4 months now. It’s smoother every time I crack one open.