AHA Action Alerts and other Government Affairs info

The AHA sent out two Action Alerts today.

In Michigan, HB 4061, a bill to allow homebrew to be served at breweries pubs and bars for club meetings & competitions, passed the House June 23. Next it goes to the Senate Regulatory Reform Committee for a hearing. Michigan residents, please contact the committee members and urge them to pass the bill.

See the alert at: http://bit.ly/kCpO5K

In Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Brewer’s Guild is asking residents for immediate help in sending a message to Governor Walker asking him to veto budget language related to microbreweries.

The language in question, known as Motion 414, would take away small brewers’ abilities to distribute each other’s beers and own and operate their own taverns. Such drastic alterations to a proven, successful business model will stifle growth and result in job losses.

See the alert at: http://bit.ly/lvCI6p

Wisconsin: Motion 414 was not vetoed.

Michigan bill HB 4061 to allow homebrew to be served at breweries pubs and bars for club meetings & competitions passed the Senate Regulatory Reform Committee Wednesday July 13 by a 7-0 vote. The bill now moves on to the full Senate for a vote in September.

We will send a follow up Action Alert to Michigan AHA members when we get closer to the Senate vote.


Now there’s another reason for me to move back to Michigan :wink:

Is AHA / Brewers Association involve in fixing nonsense that just happened in Wisconsin?

That would fall more under the purview of the BA to work on with the AHA acting as community support. I can’t imagine that the BA isn’t already trying to figure something out and we’ll hear about it.

For state issues affecting commercial craft brewers, the BA supports initiatives led by state brewers guilds.

Looks like someone is working on fixing the mess:


Craft Carve Out Attempt in WI

New bill would exempt small brewers from newly passed legislation

Lawmakers have a new bill that would exempt most craft brewers from the beer distribution changes made in the 2011-13 state budget.

The bill is authored by Representative Janis Ringhand (D-Evansville) who feels the new regulations hurt competition, limit trade and discourage investment.

This proposal would exempt craft brewers that manufacture less than 300,000 barrels per year from the new law.

There was no public input on the subject before it became law. Ringhand hopes to have a public hearing this time around. She says it’s important to support the entrepreneurs and small business owners that help to grow the economy.

A bipartisan group of lawmakers had asked Governor Scott Walker to veto a portion of the budget pertaining to micro-breweries that was added by the Joint Committee on Finance, but he opted against that request.

An article about the proposed exemption legislation referenced by Leo above.

Great article.
Thank you

The Brewers Association’s August legal brief has been posted at Current Issues - Brewers Association.

Michigan Homebrewers: HB 4061 to allow homebrew to be served in breweries, restaurants and bars for club meetings, competitions, etc will go to a vote in the Senate soon. Contact your Senator’s office and ask them to support the bill! If the bill passes the Senate, it then goes to the Governor to sign into law (or veto). See the action alert at http://bit.ly/nYAfvo.

The American Homebrewers Association is supporting an effort by the Wisconsin Homebrewers Alliance to rectify the current Wisconsin homebrew law which does not allow for homebrew to be serve outside the home where it was brewed–a law that was uncovered by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue just last year.  That means no homebrew at homebrew club meetings, no homebrew competitions, no homebrew at the neighbor’s house.

LRB 3101 sponsored by State Senator Michael Ellis and Representative Dean Kaufert would, if passed, lift current restrictions that prohibit homebrew from being transported outside of the home where it was made.

What needs to happen to get this bill passed is for Wisconsin residents to contact their legislators and urge them to come on as sponsors of the bill and support the bill when it comes up for a vote.  Time is of the essence to get this bill through the legislature.

See the action alert we just sent to Wisconsin AHA members: http://bit.ly/wDEySm

The Wisconsin homebrew bill that the AHA has been working on with the Wisconsin Homebrewers Alliance to lift current restrictions that prohibit homebrew from being transported outside of the home where it was made has been assigned to the Senate Energy, Biotechnology, and Consumer Protection Committee and will likely get a hearing soon.

Senate Bill 395 is scheduled for a hearing before the Senate Energy, Biotechnology, and Consumer Protection Committee Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 10:00 a.m. in Room 330 Southwest in the Capitol.

We’re asking Wisconsin residents to contact the senators on the committee and politely urge them to pass SB 395. A large audience of homebrewers at the meeting will send a strong message that this is important legislation, so please consider attending the hearing if possible.

See the Action Alert we sent today at http://bit.ly/zAF06H for more details.

Senate Bill 395, the Wisconsin homebrew bill that the AHA has been working on with the Wisconsin Homebrewers Alliance to lift current restrictions that prohibit homebrew from being transported outside of the home where it was made was passed unanimously by Senate committee and so moves on to a vote before the full Senate, probably next week.

An identical bill, Assembly Bill 521, was scheduled for a committee hearing this morning and will likely be passed on to the full Assembly shortly.

Wisconsin residents should contact the state Senator and Representative for their district and politely urge them to support these bills.

See the Action Alert we sent today at http://bit.ly/ypclCn for more details.

Congrats and good luck!

Great news for our friends in Wisconsin!

The Wisconsin state Senate passed SB 395 by a vote of 32-1.  the homebrew rights bill we’ve been working on with the Wisconsin Homebrewers Alliance.  In doing so, they rejected an amendment submitted by Senator Scott Fitzgerald (the lone no vote) that would have greatly watered down the bill.

An identical bill, AB 521, has already been through a public committee hearing in the Assembly, and so awaits a vote before the full Assembly.  Wisconsin residents, if you haven’t already contacted your Assembly representative about supporting AB 521, now’s the time!  See Wisconsin State Legislature Home Page to find your representative.


Yesterday, the Wisconsin Senate unanimously passed AB 290, a bill to allow homebrew supply shops to make beer and wine on their premises and offer samples of beer and wine to their customers for educational purposes.  The bill has already passed the Assembly, so it’s off to the Governor’s desk to sign.

Congrats to Wisconsin’s homebrew shops on the passage of this bill!

We sent out another Action Alert today to our Wisconsin members about the homebrew right bill.  SB 395 has been referred to the Assembly Rules Committee to assign a date for an Assembly vote, which could happen any day now.  We are asking Wisconsin residents to contact their Representative and ask him/her to support SB 395 or AB 521 (they are identical bills, but SB 395 is the most likely version to be voted on).  We are also asking residents to contact the Assembly Speaker and the Assembly Majority Leader to get the bill scheduled for a vote as soon as possible.  You can see the alert at http://bit.ly/wuUsDW.

I’ve been extremely impressed with the Wisconsin Homebrewers Alliance’s ability to mobilize club members throughout the state to make phone calls and send email to legislators.  The level of media coverage has been impressive as well.