AHA Big Brew 2010 YouTube Contest
May 1 – May 10, 2010
AHA Big Brew: A Celebration of National Homebrew Day was created to bring homebrewers together around the world. This year the AHA will again sponsor a video contest for the event. Please record a video of your AHA Big Brew site, showing what you’re brewing, who you’re brewing with and of course, all the fun you’re having!
The AHA will awarded two prize packages, one for the most watched video and one for the video that best captures the essence and teamwork of AHA Big Brew. Links to the winning AHA Big Brew 2010 videos will be posted to the AHA Big Brew homepage, on our Video section of www.HomebrewersAssociation.org and announced on the AHA Forum on May 24, 2010.
Contest Rules
Submitted videos must be 3 minutes or less in length to qualify for the contest. Contestants have until Monday, May 10, 2010 to upload their AHA Big Brew 2010 videos to www.YouTube.com. All titles should begin with “AHA Big Brew 2010” to ensure that they can be easily searched. Adding tag lines like “beer,” “homebrew,” and “homebrewing” will also help search functions. AHA Big Brew 2010 videos are judged by the AHA Governing Committee. Winners are determined at the sole discretion of the AHA Governing Committee.
Brewers -
Tuesday I went to YouTube.com and located all the qualifying AHA Big Brew 2010 videos I could find. If yours is not listed here, please let me know. I believe we’re allowing the videos with a length of 3:01. We’re taking the Relax… Have a Homebrew approach!
Now it’s your turn to vote for your favorite video! Let me explain how this works. Please view the videos posted below and pass along your favorite to your friends. Encourage them to view it and pass it along too. At 9am MT, on Friday, May 21st, I will go back to YouTube.com and collect the view counts. The video with the most views will win the AHA Big Brew 2010 - Most Watched Video award.
The following Monday, May 24th, I’ll announce the winners of the Most Watched Video and Best Video awards on this Forum. The AHA Big Brew 2010 Best Video award is voted on by your AHA Governing Committee members. They’re watching all the videos to determine which one they think best captures the essence and spirit of AHA Big Brew.
Did you know that you can’t rely on the view counts that show up in the search results view? You have to go to each video view page to get the current counts. They can vary by hundreds of views and I don’t know why.
Yep. I noticed that when I was copying down all the links to the videos. It is strange and I’m surprised YouTube hasn’t figured out a way to update that number.
I’ll be sure to check the view counts on the actual video page, to get the best result.