AHA Big Brew: May 7

Are you looking to join in the brewing fun on AHA Big Brew? Celebrate National Homebrew Day (May 7th) by hosting your own brewing site. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/events/national-homebrew-day

Each year homebrewers around the world invite family and friends to their AHA Big Brew event on the first Saturday in May to celebrate the holiday. Everyone is encouraged to help out with the brew, enjoy the fun and join in on a world-wide toast at noon Central time. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/events/national-homebrew-day/celebrate

Be sure to register your AHA Big Brew site today! We’ve provided lots of resources to help you promote your site as well. Visit the AHA Big Brew page for sites for more info. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/events/national-homebrew-day/sites

Looking for a recipe for your AHA Big Brew day? Check out the official AHA Big Brew recipes for 2011. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/events/national-homebrew-day/recipes

Lastly, don’t forget to prepare for the 2011 AHA Big Brew video contest. http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/pages/events/national-homebrew-day/video-contest

I’m hoping to do this, at least as a “virtual brew day,” though it’s crazy time at work through mid-May. But I did have questions about the suggested recipes, posted here: http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=7147.0

The Big Brew / National Homebrew Day has always been a tribal event with my brewing friends.

This year is no different as 15 different brewing systems and their teams from the Ann Arbor Brewers Guild, ranging from basic to absurdly complex will participate as Site 113 at Original Gravity Brewing Company in Milan. Our host, Brad, will cook up some pork shoulders and brewers are encouraged to bring a side dish or snack.