AHA COC Extract May 2010

Congratulations to the participants in the May 2010 Club Only Competition - Extracts

Of the  61 entries from 29 States, the following winners were chosen:

First Place – Brendan Wehrly of La Verne Ca representing the Crown of the Valley Brewing Society with a Cat 21A Spice/herb/vegatable - Cracked Black Peppercorn Weizen, “Pepperweizen”

Second Place – Bob Peak of Petuluma Ca representing the Sonoma Beerocrats, with a Cat 4A Dark American Lager, “Final Frontier”

Third Place - John Emke of St Louis MO representing the Garage Brewers Association, with a Cat 22C Wood aged beer - Bourbon Barrel Porter

My thanks to all that entered and to those who could make it to the judging.

Ric Cunningham
Niagara Association of Homebrewers