May AHA Club-only Competition results

The Knights of the Brown Bottle (homebrew club of Arlington, TX) completed the May 2012 Club-only Competition, Scottish Ales, yesterday, May 19th.  We had 82 entries from 31 different states, there were a lot of excellent beers.
First-place ribbon went to Patrick Yun and Curt Meyers of Roscoe, IL representing the Forest City Brewers with a Strong Scotch Ale (9E) named Blootered Bamport
Second-place ribboon went to Robert Wiegers of Wichita, KS representing the Wichita Homebrewers Organization with an Irish Red Ale (9D) called Red Headed German
And the third-place ribbon went to Jim Chaney of Steubenville, OH representing T.R.A.S.H. with a Scottish Export 80 Ale (9C)
We really enjoyed ourselves at the Comp. and thanks to all the fine brewers that sent in entries, cheers Mike Porter

Awesome!  I work with Bob Wiegers and am drinking a bottle of his beer now.  Very tasty.

i grew up in wichita.  first homebrew i ever made (circa 1995) was from a kit a friend and i made from a shop on west douglas, near club billiards.  club billiards is my favorite pool hall ever, seen some funny and odd stuff go down there.  love snooker.