I agree with not just posting recipes for the sake of it. The beer should be proven first I feel. So many other forums and homebrew sites have hundreds if not thousands of recipes. Many of which do not have any data on how the beer actually tastes let alone how it fairs in the real world. Many recipes I have seen, it would also appear that the poster has not even actually ever brewed it themselves!!!
Let’s go for quality not quantity here. I would rather have a skimpy well maintained list of recipes than hundreds of half hearted false starts and possible to brew someday recipes.
I haven’t so much liked those bulk entered ones because I thought it was better if the actual person posted the recipe so, if you wanted to discuss one, you’d know who to talk to but then I looked at some of mine and realized that, unless you put something in yourself, nowhere does it identify the submitter so… never mind.
There are some here who have one or more (thinking of Gordon) recipes on that link. The winners are identified by name, as these are the recipes as they were published in Zymurgy. Not every winner is active on the forum, so you can view that as plus or minus.