If you’re looking for a beer recipe, or have one you’d like to share, check out
Thanks Denny.
Looks like I’m one of the first few in the door here.
Is there any way to get them in “BeerXML” format so that I can plug them into QBrew?
Nope, I don’t think so.
Check out the Index and look up “AHA National Homebrewers Competition Winners Circle”
Gold Medal winning recipes from 2006-2009 AWESOME
Thanks guys
Hey Denny!
Is the collection database driven? If so, it can probably support BeerXML depending how it was designed.
I’ve already done most of the legwork at www.brewthology.com (Free software for anyone who has a site)
Hi Bryan! I simply don’t know how it’s set up. Let me ask around to see if I can find out.
As you’re adding recipes - Don’t forget to credit your recipe sources!
+1 to dbeechum on crediting recipe sources. There’s one site out there with a lot of uncredited recipies, quite a few that are from friends of mine. Needless to say they were quite upset. Yes, its probably legal, but it sure is very inconsiderate at the least.

+1 to dbeechum on crediting recipe sources. There’s one site out there with a lot of uncredited recipies, quite a few that are from friends of mine. Needless to say they were quite upset. Yes, its probably legal, but it sure is very inconsiderate at the least.
I agree…
With sites like this: http://www.homebrew-recipes.com grabbing recipes and not giving the brewer/creator credit it is great to see that credit is expected here
To carry it a step farther, in addition to crediting the originator, list any awards the recipe has won. This says that a panel of judges has said that there is something good about this beer.
Much better than (and I’ve seen this all too often) this is a good beer, I know because I’m planning on brewing it next week.
That is the premise behind http://beerdujour.com/AwardWinningRecipes.htm
Good Point Fred!
Is there a chance of integrating a comments and/or rating option for each recipe? I really don’t know what this would take and if its even possible. I think it would be a great tool for others to see ratings, and comments about each recipe. I guess we would have to keep in mind that the same recipe could (will) turn out a bit different from brewer to brewer.
Although I haven’t tried it, being a wiki it should be easy to add comments from people who have brewed the recipes…
I agree with Roffenburger, that a good idea. Everyone woul love to know other homebrewers opinion of their recipe.

If you’re looking for a beer recipe, or have one you’d like to share, check out
Any of my brewing brethern have some info on an all grain clone of the firestone double jack ipa?
I notice that a lot of the beer recipes are in the wrong category (for example all but one of the recipes in the Ordinary Bitter category are actually Special Bitters), but I don’t see a way to edit the category that a recipe is placed under.
Are you logged in too the wiki? Give me an example of one that needs to be changed and I’ll give it a try.

Are you logged in too the wiki? Give me an example of one that needs to be changed and I’ll give it a try.
I’m clearly out of my depth.
I tried to move the recipe called “Standard/Ordinary Bitter”, unsuccessfully, but the “Crooked Tooth Bitter” recipe seems to have disappeared (I didn’t think I was even editing that one…)
Anyway, I think I’m best off leaving the wiki alone…
See if you can fix the damage I seem to have done.