AIH Sale

nice sale on many items including kegs. Although, I don’t get the price point strategy on $69 new kegs vs $59 used keg…$10 less for used seems like no incentive to buy them.

The used ball lock supply has been drying up for years, AIH was been able to find them in some quantities, but has that dried up? I will ask next time I see Jason.

The new kegs from China on sale have a good price, yes. AIH has a good supply of those.

Keg connection had used ball locks kegs for $49 the other day. I’m wondering if we will start seeing more competitive pricing on used considering some of the recent new kegs. I’d bite at 3/$100.

yeah Ive had good luck with the used ones ive bought. clean, new gaskets, and have had no porblems with them at all. $30-$40 for this condition is great.