New Kegs...Used kegs>>>Sales

Thought I’d share. Bought some used kegs, and they are in great shape, come fully reconditioned ( seals and any replacement parts required to function), sanitized and super clean, and an extra set of o ring and lid gasket. About $80 a keg delivered.

Man, used kegs are getting pricey. At this point, I’m buying all new.

they are going up. you can still get some dirty beat up ones that you may have to replace parts on at half the price on these. the ones i got are basically new and clean, with extra set orings for future replacement

NB or someone (AIH, perhaps?) had new kegs for $70 earlier this week.

I don’t need more kegs, but that’s a good price.

$70 would be a bargain on new- missed that sale. NB sells them $129 +$14 shipping.

AIH Black Friday Sale.  Over and done, but they were $69 each.  New.

yep thats was a good price- i’ll have to keep an eye on AIH for future sales.

Ah, for the days of $15 10 gal. cornies again!

Shoot, when I started kegging I picked up 3 5-gallon cornies and a 20lb tank for something like $50 or $60 all-in.

And I didn’t have to drive far to get it either.

That tank has long since been exchanged, but those cornies are among the cleanest newest looking ones I have.

A place I have had good experiences with and some great pricing, especially if you can drive, it’s in Cincinnati.

These guys are $83 new:

I posted a long review here a few months ago.  I’d buy another one if I could even halfway justify owning another 5 gallon corny.

That’s crazy.  I paid around $200 each for mine.

Living in greater Cincinnati, I am going to have to check this place out in person when I start kegging, thanks for the tip

Bought 8 used ball lock kegs from MoreBeer.  I kept 1 and sent the rest back.  Total junk.  Bad thing was I had to pay the shipping to Cali.  Ended up buying some new kegs and love them, but man they are pricey.

I paid $20.00 + shipping for two soda kegs in 1993.  Those kegs were in much better condition than what one finds on the used market today.  Nice pin-lock kegs were dirt cheap in the early nineties because Coca Cola was migrating their customer base over to the bag-in-box system.

I am only purchasing new kegs as well.

If you can wait out for sales at AiH, there’s really no reason at all to be messing around with used kegs. Their sale prices on new kegs are incredible. And it seems like they run their sales every few months.

Even better (for me at least) is that they carry the smaller 2.5 gallon kegs and have great sales on that size as well.

AIH is something new to me. Definitely going to start watching- thanks for the tip.

AiH was selling 3 gallon cornys for ~$30 earlier in the year. They were uncleaned and “ugly” but the two I bought are in really good shape cosmetically and just need a good clean inside and out.

I bought a couple 5 gallon cornys from a few years ago and they are in good shape and came well cleaned.

Our club did large scale buys from soft drink distributors.  Couple hundred pin locks, $5-10 ea.  Bought 200 10 gal. for $15 ea.

The AiN new kegs are made in China. They worked with the manufacturer to get them to a high quality point , and I must say the kegs look fantastic in the store. The top and bottom rubber parts look superb. The welds are as good as in the Old US made ones. The SS meets 304 specs from a test sheet they had a local lab do (saw the results somewhere).

If I decide to buy some more kegs, I will go new. Must. Resist. Urge. To Buy.