I’m brewing a Hefe and i know hitting the 50ppm for calcium isn’t as important for a Hefe but is it reasonable toadd all my minerals to the mash to get the mash Calcium up more without having to add excess sulfate and chlorine to the final profile. I’m using Distilled water and building up from there. Is there any potential issues with sparging with un-mineralized distilled water?
There shouldn’t be a problem with sparging with low or no salt water. I’ve used that technique with all of my recent lagers and that same approach is OK for a Hefe. An overall low calcium content in a Hefe is desirable for reducing yeast flocculation and keeping the beer cloudier and more yeasty. Having modest sulfate and chloride in a Hefe is desirable.
I add all of my salts to the mash for any lighter beers. Helps to keep the acid additions low and a don’t end up with a cup of salts that I forgot to add.