Amarillo & Citra IPA

What do you guys think?

5 gal

og ~1.070

12 2row
0.5 c40

60 Min: 10AA Warrior
0  Min:  2 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Citra
DH:      2 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Citra


**I am considering adding sugar to bump it up to a DIPA

I think you need more bittering hops.  What does 10AA Warrior get you in terms of IBUs?

About 48 ibu (Rager) not counting my flameout hops.  I figure they steep above 170 for around 10 minutes.

I was happy with a similar bittering on my last ipa, though I had 1.5 oz of my flameout hops moved back to 15 last time (amarillo/columbus/simcoe).

You’re IBUs are in the mid to lower part of the range for the style while your gravity is right up against the top so you probably still need more bittering hops (or pull back some of the late hops like you did before) - especially if you add sugar to go to DIPA like you mention.

I could be overlooking the effect of not doing a 15 minute addition.  I guess on paper I got 20 ibu’s from my 1.5 oz at 15 on my last ipa. That would put me around 70 Rager.  I was just going to simply my recipe and get some more aroma but maybe I would be sacrificing some needed bitterness.

its not just bitterness - I think you’ll be missing out on hop flavor with your original schedule.

I think I may go back to this then.

5 gal

og ~1.070

12 2row
0.5 c40

60 Min: 10AA Warrior
15  Min:  1 oz Amarillo, 0.5 oz Citra
0  Min:  1 oz Amarillo, 0.5 oz Citra
DH:      2 oz Amarillo, 1 oz Citra


Rager’s formula does give substantially higher IBU estimates than the others, FWIW. Tinseth puts that at 30 IBU.

I just brewed one of these a few days ago… in the fermenter now. My OG was 1.053 and promash had the IBUs at 54. 20z each of amarillo and citra, I’m looking fwd to it.

I know you’re looking for ibu feedback but as an aside, I did one very similar with Citra and Sorachi Ace that was great. On the list to rebrew because it disappeared very quickly.

There are so many ways to make an ipa,
but I will be with blatz on this one.

More hop flavor.

I love the Citrillo.
That is, equal parts citra and amarillo. 
My special problem is that I am always looking for more hop flavor and aroma.
So keep that in mind when listening to me.

I don’t mind the warrior bittering charge, but if so, I think you need to make up the Citrillo late in the boil,
with a hop barrage,
like an ounce each at 20,10,5, and 0.
and at least an ounce each for the DH.

Anyway you craft it, those hops are a great combination!  8) Cheers.
Have fun.

Another idea is to make it an all late hop beer, so instead of the Warrior, add a 30 min addition of 0.5 oz Amarillo and 0.5 oz citra (or whatever calculates out to your liking).

The only problem with “all-late-hopping” is that you need twice as much hops (or more)–there does come a point at which it becomes 1) more expensive, 2) more complicated (wort loss/transfer issues), 3) changes the bitterness and flavor (e.g., more smooth, less bitter–not necessarily what you’re looking for in an IPA), and 4) increases your chances of vegetal/grassy flavors due to the higher hop charge.

Keep the Warrior at 60.

I like the complexity of hop flavors by multiple, yet small, additions over the last 20-30 minutes.
Save 0.5 oz each for flameout, and 1 oz of each for dryhopping (if 1:1 amarillo:citra).  
If you prefer the 2:1 ratio (amarillo:citra) then double the amount for Amarillo.

The hops I have are 1 oz of Warrior, 6 oz of Amarillo, and 2 oz of Citra.

I agree!  I also love that hop combo.

Here is what I brewed:

.75 16.7AA Warrior @60
1.5 Amarillo @15
0.5 Citra @15
1.5 Amarillo @0
0.5 Citra @0

I will dry hop with 3 oz of Amarillo and 1 oz of Citra

Looks great!

The airlock smelled good this morning!

Wow! I kegged this Sunday morning.  I pulled a pint when I was siphoning and even at room temperature and uncarbonated it smelled amazing.  It had sat on 3 oz of Amarillo and 1 oz of Citra for 2 weeks.  I love the aroma of this combo.