Amount of rice hulls needed

I am brewing a Witbier Saturday using a cereal mash for the wheat. The last time I brewed this recipe I had a horribly stuck mash.

It’s an 11 gallon batch and I’m using rice hulls for only the second time.

Is half a pound of rice hulls likely to be enough, or should I use the full pound?

A half pound will be enough.

I recommend they be wet rice hulls.  Otherwise they’ll suck up all your wort.

They shouldn’t, but running them under water is a good idea as I have seen some dirty rice hulls.

On the few times I’ve used them, I’ve soaked them overnight. The 1/2 lb should be fine.

Thanks, everyone

We’ve all been there with a stuck sparge.  I usually use 4 cups.  Not sure what that measures out too in weight.

An alternative to ricehulls that’s free and easy is grain conditioning. It takes only a few minutes and will negate the use of hulls.