An open thank you to EVERYONE who has helped me along the way,

My greatest appreciation goes out to each and every one who’s ever replied to any of my posts (even the stupid ones ;D). As I’ve adopted new practices and applied improvements to my brews, I’ve begun to notice interesting things. When I try to clone a beer, I has started to taste a bit like the beer I’m trying to clone. (pretty close anyway) Imagine that! And after many attempts over the past 9 months, I finally earned a silver medal in a recent homebrew competition. That one belongs to all those who helped get me here! My greatest thanks!

Sweet! Do you need our addresses? We like to show it off.

I feel the same as you do. All I know about this, I learned from someone willing to share. Thats why I share. Paying it back.

Plus I’m obsessed

I wish I could send everyone a sixer! The thing I love about this obsession is that everyone has something to bring to the table, and I’ve personally never engaged in a hobby where the individuals who literally “wrote the book” on the subject, interact with you on a daily basis. Really shows the passion and commitment that everyone has for this thing called brewing!

Agreed. What always amazed me is even though competitions are a major part of this hobby for so many, just about every one will do whatever they can to help you make the best beer possible. It’s really a great community.

The reason I spend so much time on so many forums is to pay back all the help I was given when I started 458 batches ago.

I’m like everyone else. What little I know I freely give. Learned a great deal from everybody- especially on this particular forum.

Soon, you’ll be giving advice to the fledgling homebrewer…