And now ... Alabama's first homebrew competition

Sponsored by a local budweiser distributor and apparently with a $1000 prize. I’d say that’s doing it right.

But won’t Alabamans have less than two months of brewing experience at that point?  ;D

that’s awesome.  I’d send them something in support, but of course I have no experience with removing it from my home.  ;D

Cool I might have to send a few entries down to support them

I like to occasionally enter comps in far-off locales just for grins.  I just hope their first legal comp is won by an Alabaman.
Would love to be able to swing a trip down to judge if they need judges.  But right after NHC might be a tough sell to the S.U.

There are some awesome homebrewers in Alabama. Anyone sending beer from out of state will be up against some stiff competition.