I have not seen anything yet on the National homebrew competition taking place in Bristol, England but this guy is looking forward to it. This will be my first one I have entered and for my second batch I have nothing but hope. Hopefully I will do more than I expect and also do the States proud as a Yank!
Good Luck!
As the organizer, I’m a little surprised you’ve not seen anything, having launched a multi-front internet publicity campaign. Even here http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=7574.0.
It should be a great day, and even if you don’t get an award, it’ll be worth it for the feedback on your beer.
I hope the competition went well! This was my first one and was happy to see a score of good but was wondering if it is possible to get a copy of the score sheet for the beer I sent. It would be cool to see what could be improved upon. If not then no big deal as I have a couple of areas that I want to improve upon such as the hazy appearance.
You’ll get your feedback in the mail this week.
Great! Thank you and see you next year!