Another book thread

Been awhile since I asked what everyone is reading these days. So, what is it?
  I just got started on John Sanford’s “Prey” series. So far, so good.

right now i’m reading:

Neverwinter Book 1 - Gauntlgrym by R.A. Salvatore

Rereading “Notes From a Small Island” by Bill Bryson…nice humorous American account of a trip around the UK.  Finishing up the 1912 Luther translation of the Bible in German, occasionally reading a bit of “Nad: Understanding Raga Music” by Sandip Bagchee, and have been reading a lot of Wodehouse, particularly his very old stuff that is now public domain (and therefore on my iPhone).

Much of this island is not covered by broadcast radio because of the mountains.  So, I often download talking books from the library to listen to on my iPhone when I travel for work.

Currently I am “reading” (listening to)  The Minority Report and Other Stories by Philip K. Dick.  Many of his short stories have been made into very good movies, e.g. Blade Runner.

If you haven’t already discovered his books, I highly recommend them.

some of them have been turned into crappy movies, e.g. Minority Report. :wink:

The story was very different from the movie.

Reading the “Game of Thrones” series, halfway through book #2, “Clash of Kings”.  Pretty good read so far…

I’m currently reading Storm of Swords. I love this series. Can’t put it down!

I am about half way through Stephen King’s 11/22/63.
It has some interesting time travel ideas.  I will try to post more of a critique after I finish reading.

Finished “Hops and Glory” by Pete Brown, who is called the Bill Bryson of beer writers on the cover notes.  I can see why, as his style is similar.  Have read most of Bryson’s stuff, he is very entertaining.

I’ve been reading some cool scifi off smashwords.

Quick and exciting easy reads. Somewhat thought provoking. Good story in the trilogy.

Hey Weaze, I know we talked about “Lonesome Dove” a couple years back. Did you ever read “Comanche Moon”? Almost as good as LD in a lot of ways. It’s a prequel to LD and more than worth the read. Great yarn.

I’m currently reading Jeff Shaara’s “The Steel Wave”. Pretty good if you are into WWII history.

Believe it or not, it was you, and your LD reccomendation that got me into reading in the first place. Up till then, I read  maybe three books in my life. I HATED to read. I pickd up LD, loved it, and read the other three books in the series. From that point on, I was hooked! Thanks Major. You made a reader out of me.

It wasn’t a dig at PKD :slight_smile:

Not exactly classic reading, but currently working my way through the first seven hardbacks of The Walking Dead :wink:

Rreading Brewing With Wheat and REAMDE by Neil Stephenson. I have been really enjoying stephenson lately. I love PKD but everytime I read one of his books I feel like I am about to have a psychotic creak. something about his writing style pushes buttons in my brain in a wierd, slightly worrisome way. Recently finished Machine Man by Max Berry another author that consistantly produces excellent cyberpunk esque scifi.

Like Carl I ‘read’ alot of books in audio format cause I drive a lot and it helps keep my mind on cleaning the house etc.

ahh and the classics, don quixote and moby dick

I’m slowly picking my way through Paradise Lost. That’s tough to read at work, though, so I’ll probably make it through another two or three Lee Child novels before I finish. They’re real page-turners.

I was halfway through King’s The Dark Tower series, but decided to take a break from that. They’re good, but I can only handle so much fantasy before my common-sense filter kicks in.

I just finished Ambrose’s Citizen Soldiers, which picks up after D-Day. Every bit as good as you’d expect.

I highly recommend Jeff Sharra’s Pulitzer Prize winning classic “The Killer Angels”. Really well researched and succinct and highly factualized account of the battle at Gettysburg. His son, Michael Shaara writes in the same style, though a good bit more dry and hard to churn through. The Killer Angels is a page burner. One of my favorite books and sparked a keen interest in the Civil War for me.

Just finished reading this for the second time, first time was back in college:

Amazing how prophetic this book was, having been first published in 1985. Note that this was much of the inspiration for Roger Waters album “Amused to Death”.

Turn off the TV, children, and open your eyes.

I recently read “Truth to be Told” by Hatty Swiggs. It’s a self-published book by a first-time author that turned out to be remarkably good. If you’re at all into music and especially if you’re an Elvis fan, I’d highly recommend it.