On the off chance that I get some time to myself now days, I need some recommendations on a good book. My favorite author, Vince Flynn, diedand I’ve read all in his series. I enjoy stories about terrorist activity, things like that. Think along the lines of the movie White House Down. Thanks for the help!
I recently read The Twelfth Imam by Joel Rosenberg and enjoyed it.
Experimental home brewing?
I enjoy Lee Child, might try him. Stephen Hunter, Kyle Mills,
Another to try is Nelson DeMille, his “Lion’s Game” is awesome. And his character john Corey is a badass. I’ll also second lee child. Tom cruise made jack reacher look like a pretty boy. Child’s Reacher series are all fun, maybe not the best of modern American literature, but fun for sure
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll look into them. As for DeMille, I’ve read everything of his. Love Corey!!
Some one mentioned Lee Child and I have read a couple of his books on the recommendation of my father, who loves them. But … I find them extremely boring. They are so predictable and there is very rarely any real tension. Just Jack Reacher kicking ass. Not sure what I’m missing.
Nothing like what you are looking for but I am currently reading Bill Bryson’s latest, “One Summer: America, 1927” and it is a fascinating look at one of the most interesting times in our country. Think Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbergh, Jack Dempsey, all set in the teetering era of prohibition… it’s a very easy to read book and quite a page turner. But then again I have never found a Bryson book I couldn’t tear through.
I have a long commute and just suffered my way through all 10 discs of “At Home.” Sounded pretty interesting - the hidden history behind everyday stuff. Turned out to be a lengthy stroll through British architecture for the most part. Definitely a snoozer. I’ve enjoyed a couple of his other books though.
I just got turned on to a Minnesota author named William Kent Krueger- kind of a crime/mystery author. Not my go-to genre, but it’s interesting to read a book set in our region. His first book Iron Lake was pretty good. Moving on to #2.
The Reacher novels fall into what I call “competence porn”. Same as the early seasons of “Burn Notice”, the Punisher, the Remo Williams books, etc.
I recently read “The Empty Quarter” - David L. Robbins
It’s not bad. Not exactly my first choice kind of read but it kept me interested and I enjoyed it.
Kate Atkinson might be a good writer for you to check out. Case Histories is particularly good. +1 to Bill Bryson’s books. A nice book for some bathroom reading is Randall Munroe’s What If.
A couple more would be Dalton Fury, Jack Coughlin, and Brad Taylor in the genre you asked about that I’ve read and enjoyed.
I always say give Jim Harrison a try. His latest was a collection of the Novellas that have his lovable screw up Brown Dog (or BD) as the main character.
So glad to have some new ideas. I started the Day Vinci Code last night. I’ll see of that keeps my interest.
Im a big fan of James and the Giant Peach
And the book was way better than the movie
Dan brown’s books are so much better than the Hanks movies. I guess that’s true most of the time, but especially with these
+1 - I don’t read a lot of fiction, but this whole series is a good read. Movies weren’t that bad, but books were a lot better.
+1. Roald Dahl is pretty cracked. If you can find his collected short stories, buy it. Definitely a twisted mind.
+2 “Lamb to the Slaughter” is one of the best short stories ever.
forget all that spy stuff. you should read everything Douglas Adams wrote, then everything Terry Pratchett wrote, then everything Neal Gaiman wrote. If you want something more ‘serious’ hit Asimov up. The Foundation series has all the intrigue and spy story stuff one could want and it’s effing brilliant.