Another Bru'n Water "Unbalanced" request for help

The title says the majority of my problem. I am new to worrying about my brew water and finally had a water report done. When I input the info to Bru’n Water it says my Water Report is Unbalanced.

I’d appreciate it if someone could take a look and tell me if it really is an unbalanced water source or if I messed up inserting the info to Bru’n Water.

Thanks in advance.

Water Report:
Alkalinity (ppm caco3) 390
Res. Alk 295
Total Hardness 340
Calcium (ppm caco3/ppm ca) 320/130
Magnesium 14
Sodium 129
Chloride 148
Sulfate 98
pH 6.9
Total Chlorine .43
Free Chlorine .16
Chloramine .27

Bru’n Water screenshot:

Just a quick note, I believe you should be using the converted numbers from teh calculator on the bottom of the water input page, provided you are indeed converting from CaCO3 to ppm. Mg at the top should be 3.4
Where did the water report originate from?
Also I don’t see the Ion Balance report. Wonder how far out of balance you are. Are you using Excel?

I think I would just use RO water.  :wink:

Yes, that would my suggestion as well. :wink:
That water seems to have an awful lot of sodium. Curious what the water experts on the forum can come up with.

Sure, both the sodium and chloride are higher than many would prefer. But its not unusable water. Dilution with RO or distilled can make it more usable, but no strong need to throw it away.

With regard to the unbalance. Are you sure you are converting all those reported concentrations into their proper units?

What are all the units in the water report?  There may be an ion that needs to be converted.


I think it’s ppm.

But I’m not sure, this was all the info I was given in an email:

Water Report:
Alkalinity (ppm caco3) 390
Res. Alk 295
Total Hardness 340
Calcium (ppm caco3/ppm ca) 320/130
Magnesium 14
Sodium 129
Chloride 148
Sulfate 98
pH 6.9
Total Chlorine .43
Free Chlorine .16
Chloramine .27

I have an RO system I am putting together, I guess I will just stick with that. I was just hoping I could brew a style or two with my city water.

Saw this RO filter on Amazon.
Looks pretty promising… and cheap.