I had not had coffee yet! And I wondered why the beans had separated like that. Should have sniffed them first.
There was about a 1/4 to 1/3 cup left sticking in the container. I’m doing an emergency 2.5 gallon batch of Kolsch right now and will pitch the remaining bit. :
Uhhhhh why not? You think it was sterile to begin with as a yeast cake? Doubt it. Now if I had time to grow up a astarter from what was left, I’d opt for that. But pouring in a clean saucepan and then right back in rhe container it came out of, would to me represent a low likelihood of contamination. The stuff that was actually touching the saucepan would probably not even pour back quickly.
When it hit the pan and I realized what had happened the slurry immediately ratcheted into “contaminated” status in my mind. Probably would be ok in the short run but what is done is done. I’m ok with it.
You live in such a sheltered world 'boy. I could tell you about some of my “lax” habits but you wouldn’t appreciate it.
Euge, I appreciate your honest and nonjudgemental response. The “in my mind” part is of utmost importance. If you aren’t comfortable with something it isn’t worth it.
Naw, I’m always interested in what other brewers are doing. I would definitely appreciate hearing about your lax habits and the results. We all have different comfort levels. Most homebrewers IMO, being a frugal and practical lot, aren’t gonna take a chance on losing the monetary and time investment to iffy sanitation practices. YMMV…