Starting to get my renewal reminder emails. Sure would be nice if I knew if there was going to be any sort of promotion happening before I renew. Maybe a copy of the new “wheat” book?
Boy, there’s usually something for Big Brew. I don’t recall specifically hearing anything, though. I’ll see what I can find out.
That would be great. Maybe you can get us in on the inside track.
Message sent to Kate…hopefully she’ll post here, but if not I’ll let ya know what I hear.
would like to know about this myself
Hey all - thanks for giving me a day to get back to you.
There is an AHA membership offer for Big Brew. We’ve just started promoting it and it goes until May 21, 2010. Here are the details:
By using the promo code in our store, you can get a free copy of Scotch Ale by Greg Noonan, one of the style-series books from Brewers Publications. We also used a Noonan recipe as one of the Big Brew recipes this year. You can find all of those on the Homebrewopedia,
If you have any questions or need a pdf of the Big Brew membership form, just send me an email and let me know.
Kathryn Porter Drapeau
Nice deal! Thank you.
Looking in the beertown bookstore, if you have a promotion like this every year, looks like I’ll be renewing every year for the next fifteen to twenty. Sweet.
Thanks for the info, Kate!
BTW, what a cute kiddo!
I just joined a few months ago, can I still renew now?
Of course you can renew to get the free book! We’ll just tack an extra year onto your current membership expiration.
Awesome, this is a great incentive for renewing for me. I was just considering purchasing this book. Another book coming to my developing library.
After threatening to stick my head in the oven, Kathryn assured me that I would get a copy of “Scotch Ale” even though I didn’t do the promotion thing. She should get a raise. Please cast one vote for a raise for Kathryn.
Hey, I vote for raises for the whole AHA staff! The amount of work that those 3 1/2 people do and the results they get certainly warrant it!
What…are you saying that you get paid to talk about beer all day. :o
j/k :-*
Well, I got my Scotch Ale book yesterday. Thanks loads. But, I must say that AHA definition of XXL is different than mine… LOL (I ordered the dickies work shirt as well.)
It’s that time of year again. Any renewal promotions this time around?
I told a buddy of mine who was planning on joining the aha to wait until around now becasue there is usually a free book deal around the time of big brew. Just wondering if this is happening again this year like it has in years past.
I’m wondering the same thing. ???
I have always worried about all those poor .5 kids. You know the national average 2.5 kids per household thing. It’s nice to know they can get jobs in organizations like the AHA. ;D
I just renewed, about a month ago. Oh well, too many things to read on my pile the way it is anyway.