Why should I renew my subscription?

So I’m a long time subscriber and mine expires next month. I’ve been thinking for a while whether or not I should renew. I do enjoy the magazine but I’ve grown a bit bored with it. I’ve noticed that every year its basically the same info rewritten usually by a new author and after this many years there’s not much thats new to me. I’ve only come across a few articles in the last few years that I really liked. I’ve offered up a few ideas in the other thread and thought some of the other ideas were great but have not seen them come to fruition yet. I do use the pub discount but not all that often and being thats its only 10% its not a big deal if I lost it. I never go to AHA rallys or to the GABF. I’d like to hear some good reasons why I should renew. I’m having a hard time coming up with reasons myself. Thanks.

The only reason I am a member is to support the lobby protecting and expanding my rights.

I quit subscribing to BYO a few years ago for the same reason. Same ole, same ole. Zymurgy is getting to be like that. A few good tidbits every once in a while, but mostly what you’ve already heard or what you see in the forums everyday.

I understand your dilemma.

For me, Zymurgy is just an added benefit. The AHA looks to help protect and expand our rights as homebrewers. That’s enough for me.

I’m not subscribing to a magazine, I am being a member of an organization that supports my hobby. There are many benefits to membership. The magazine is just one of them.

Me too!

I was only a member for a year but I didn’t see any benefits either. I like BYO right now better than zymurgy and if I want a copy can get it at my local homebrew store. I don’t get any pub discounts in VT and I’ve never gone to an AHA rally or their competition (thought about this past year but after 2 days it was full.) Not sure what else it’s for. Honestly I get most of my knowledge from this forum which I guess is paid for through AHA membership but I figure buying a Zymurgy every now and again covers it.

I joined partly for the magazine and partly because I thought I might want to compete. I quickly found out that competitions weren’t for me. The magazine was surely a draw in my decision to join, but that is diminishing.

I am curious about those that say they are “supporting their hobby”. Do you think if you and others didn’t join that we’d go back to an era before 1979 when you weren’t allowed to legally make your own wine and beer?

I like BYO better than Zymurgy, I only save a dollar or two once in a while on the pub discounts, but none of that matters to me. I tend to be a proactive person. Right now in Kansas it is illegal for me to share my home brew with my friends. I can either whine about that or I can become part of the solution. My contribution to the AHA is a proactive step to getting this corrected.

This is the purpose of the AHA. I don’t understand what all they need to offer people to ask for their help in protecting and expanding their rights as home brewers. Personally I would be a member if they didn’t offer any “benefits” at all.

Bo in recent times home brew competitions and club meetings have been broken up because the states discovered old laws on their books. The AHA was instrumental in rectifying this in two states in the time I have been a member. What happens when someone less friendly gets into office and decides to repeal that? What happens if the government starts looking at the untaxed alcohol being produced in a growing number of homes?

A membership to the AHA is less than $4 per month. It is worth that to me to protect and expand the rights of home brewers. In the long run I may even see that money back. The more people who home brew the better the market for my ingredients and equipment. The better the market the more produced. The more produced the more economical it becomes to produce it.

I consider it a win win situation.

There are enough benefits that I consider the membership fee paying for itself. All the ones mentioned above, plus the discounts on new books.

As far as BYO vs Zymurgy, it depends on the month which I like better.  The articles are often from the same pool of authors.

You don’t have to go “back to an era before 1979” to see how the AHA supports the hobby in regard to legalization. There are still states where it’s illegal to brew your own beer & where the AHA is involved in changing that(see recent thread re Alabama"). There are still states where you can’t buy commercial beer in higher abv, or can’t buy/sell growlers, or other issues pertaining to our rights as homebrewers, or professional brewers, or consumers of craft beer. The AHA is part of the larger Brewers Association that also represents pro craft brewing interests as well as homebrewing interests.

It’s primarily interest groups of home or pro brewers in specific states that spearhead the fight for our rights, but they are supported by the AHA & BA. Whenever an ‘issue’ gets attention from the media, they go to the industry association for quotes & info. You’ll often see Paul Gatza, Gary Glass & other BA employees being quoted in articles about beer & brewing issues.

Zymurgy is a benefit of membership, as is Pub Discount program, AHA Rallies, the National Homebrew Competition, the National Conference, this forum, and many other benefits listed on the AHA website…

This is all made possible because of the strength in numbers as we band together as members. Thankfully, AHA membership is currently growing - that hasn’t always and may not always be the case. Help keep that trend going, and help grow the strength of the organization & our hobby by joining or renewing your membership.

The homebrewing community is incredible. I’m proud to be part of it and to be an AHA member. Besides, it’s OUR organization. If you want to see additional benefits of membership, get involved & help make it happen.

{getting down off the soapbox}
Mark Tumarkin

The AHA has been instrumental in getting homebrewing legalized in Utah, and is working on getting it legalized in Alabama. There are politicians who equate homebrew rigs with meth labs. If enough of 'em get in office, they will criminilize the hobby.

I personally would be a bit embarrassed to frequently use this forum and not contribute something to it’s maintenance. The collective wisdom of the longtime AHA members who contribute to and moderate this forum is more than worth the price of membership.  Also, I’ve lived in 2 states now where the active efforts of AHA and it’s members have made it possible to pursue this hobby legally.

“Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.”
    -Aldous Huxley

I’ve said it before and I have no problem saying it again - the AHA is far more than just a magazine or a forum or e-mail newsletter.

While I don’t think we’d necessarily regress to homebrew being illegal across the US, I like having an organization that is lobbying on behalf of something that’s important to me.

Just recently the Illinois Liquor Control Commission shut down a homebrew booth at charitable function near Peoria.  If you don’t think we need an organized presence looking out for our interests, I think you’re wrong.

I like the pub discount program and the discount I get at the LHBS, but those are just benefits of membership, they’re not the reason I joined.

Yes, Zymurgy can get repetitive and that’s the reason I dropped my BYO subscription after 10 years or so, but all hobby magazines get repetitive.

I want to be able to legally load up 10 gallons of homebrew and drive up to my relatives pig roast in Wisconsin.  I can’t do that right now.

I could go on, but others have said the same things.

Ask not what the AHA can do for you, but what you can do for the AHA!

But seriously, this is our body or organization that preserves and legitimizes our hobby of brewing.  The magazine and discounts are nice perks.  I hop you stay a member.  Pat

Friends… Today I am proud to be among you!  8)

My membership expired a few weeks ago.  Honestly, I was planning on letting it lapse, but this thread (and perhaps a pint of DVBIP) convinced me otherwise.  So I just renewed.  I do enjoy Zymurgy…

Two mugs up to you Franklin!  8)

AHA membership is a right…so let’s exercize it.  :wink:

Cheers!  :slight_smile: