I must say, I am entertained by the guy. Growing up in the NY area he has been a part of my morning drive since I got my first car in high school. For all the stupid jokes and perverted humor there is also just enough intelligent talk and observational humor to keep me interested. At this point turning that show on in the morning is just part of a 20 year routine.
I used to love listening to him on K-Rock in the early 90’s then he was syndicated in the Boston area. Haven’t listened to him in a while, but I did love Private Parts.
To each his own, I’m not knocking anyones taste. But for me, I can olny listen to many chicks ride the Sybian (and my limit on that is about 15 seconds) He makes me sick how he rips on metally challanged people, High pitch Eric, Gary the Retard, etc…As faras I’m concerned, they do not get any lower, or sleezier than Howard. And to hear him tell the audience one more time about how he pretty much, single handedly, invented radio, and he was the first to do everything, UGH! Get over yourself already!!
He was entertaining, briefly, in the K-rock days. Certainly not worth paying the extra $$ for, although I do have XM, in fact as a die hard freeformer (active and passive) I am great fan of a few of the Loft… But no, no more Stern.
I have had many a laugh from his show over the years. It’s a love/hate relationship for me. I enjoy some of his bits but become annoyed at times. I can appreciate the humor in his show except when it comes to certain issues as Weaz has mentioned and then I turn him off. I used to listen to him regularly in the 80’s to early 90’s. I now have Sirius radio and tune in every now and again but haven’t been keeping up at any frequency. I prefer other formats like Bluesville and the Jazz program not to mention Outlaw Country.
I liked Stern for about a year. Im just the kind of person who gets bored fast. I cant believe his show has lasted this long, it just seems like more of the same, over and over.
Plus, can you believe that guy, saying things just to get a reaction or for pure shock value?
I tuned in for a bit, wasn’t going to judge without givining it a try. That was the conclusion I came to. Even since then, if I ever tried to put it on, same ole’ thing.
I watched him on TV for a while-about 5 minutes and that was plenty. When Sirius came out I was doing consulting work in southwest Texas and could only get Mexican stations so I got one for my pickup. Then I got one for the house, my car and my wife’s car. She only listens to Bluesville(channel 74), I listen mostly to NPR or classic rock(channels 14 or 16). Life without Sirius would suck, especially out here away from civilization.