I finally get to see Garth

Man, super excited. Just scored 5th row seats to Garth Brooks in Pittsburgh 2/7. Been a fan since 1989 when it all started,and this will be my first time seeing him. I’m as happy as a pig in shat boys!

Enjoy !

You better hope he doesn’t show up as Chris Gaines!

Yeah I don’t want to see this-

Yeah.  Forgot about that ‘phase’.    :smiley:

Not a fan, but I totally understand the whole Chris Gaines thing. He was a "Country Artist"and that limited what he could market under his already well established name.

Derrick Zoolander?

Is he playing Consol Energy Center? Went to a Pens  game there 2 years ago, that place is amazing

Yes, consol

Saw him on Saturday Night Live around that time and was blown away by how funny and talented he was. Obviously he had more to offer than the country star persona.


I’ve never been a fan but I think it’s amazing that he took such a long hiatus to be a full time dad. I have often wished I could do that. I suppose if I had super mega country rock star money I could have. Still, to choose to set that aside and risk losing that momentum is admirable.

Yeah, doesn’t hurt to be able to afford taking that much time off!

Most of them take a hiatus to tend to their alcohol problem… not so impressive to make your comeback on a riding lawn mower cuz your drivers license is felony revoked

I’ve never been a big country fan (outside of Johnny Cash, some of Hank III’s stuff, and the album Dimebag did with David Alan Coe), and I honestly had no idea that Garth Brooks was back on the music scene. I was under the impression that he had retired for good back in the day. I hope he puts on a killer show, Ken!

I dunno, I think that’s a fitting way to make your entrance when you’re headlining the state fair, which is where the washed-up country bums seem to make their big comeback.

Yeah heard it’s great and just something I always wanted to do. I missed his first go round being in Germany and all the deployments in the 90’s. I’m not a big concert going type, and I’m pretty sure iTunes is confused by my music library…everything from country, classic rock, metal, jazz, pop, and whatever they call today’s music the kids love ( I have two girls so it’s not my fault [emoji16])

He puts on an impressive show.  One of the best concerts I’ve been to.

Early in my career I lived in a small country town, and a sizeable portion of my congregation loved country music.  This was when Garth Brooks was first a big star.  So I thought, “Here is a guy that is blending elements of rock and pop… I’ll buy a tape and see if I can get into this ‘new western’ music thing.”

After listening to the tape half a dozen times I gave it away.  Classic Rock and Jazz for me; I just can’t do the country music thing.  But to each their own!  I hope you really enjoy the show.