Anyone else use Sean Terril's Refractometer Calculator?

I’m a bit frustrated over differences in ways people convert refractometer readings to specific gravity.

I have a pre-fermentation reading of 12.9 brix which beersmith converted to 1.053 SG. lists 12.85 brix as 1.052, so its pretty close to beersmith.

Now I’m trying to use Sean Terril’s site to convert a post-ferment brix reading into a final gravity.

I enter:
Original RI (°Bx): 12.9
Final RI (°Bx): 6.4

And it gives me this for results:
Original Gravity: 1.0501 (12.4°P)
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.0118 (3.01°P)
Alcohol by Volume: 4.9% (4% ABW)

Sooo…is 12.9 brix 1.050 or 1.053? I’m confused.  :-[ It looks like he divides the brix number by 1.04 to get degrees plato. I think I may have screwed up my configuration in Beersmith as it requires you to calibrate your refractometer…which I sort of fudged… So this may be all my fault.

I use it. Its always the same as Beersmith for OG.

I dont have my config settings on me right now. I will check when I get home on my config settings!

12.9°Bx is 1.0522 (SG 20/20°C). A refractometer reading of 12.9°Bx in wort corresponds to an SG of about 1.049-1.051, depending on the wort correction factor.

This came up in a thread a few days ago:

You’ll have to scroll down until someone fixes the anchored URLs. Fifth post from the bottom.

I’m making a starter this weekend so I’ll use that as an opportunity to double check everything and fix my calibration in beersmith. I’m not sure where I got the numbers I put in there but my correction factor was something like 0.99.  When I put in some values that give me a correction closer to 1.04 then beersmith matches Sean’s site for OG.

Pre-fermentation, any calculator should give the same result as long as the wort correction factor is the same.

Post-fermentation, there’s no comparison. My calculator’s right, and everyone else’s is wrong. ;D

Hehe, I just noticed who you were…I’m slow that way!  ;D

Yeah, I was using yours for post-fermentation…thanks for the site!

All of my confusion was due to the screwed up value I have in beersmith for the correction factor. Live and learn!