I’m a bit frustrated over differences in ways people convert refractometer readings to specific gravity.
I have a pre-fermentation reading of 12.9 brix which beersmith converted to 1.053 SG. http://www.fermsoft.com/gravbrix.php lists 12.85 brix as 1.052, so its pretty close to beersmith.
Now I’m trying to use Sean Terril’s site to convert a post-ferment brix reading into a final gravity.
I enter:
Original RI (°Bx): 12.9
Final RI (°Bx): 6.4
And it gives me this for results:
Original Gravity: 1.0501 (12.4°P)
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.0118 (3.01°P)
Alcohol by Volume: 4.9% (4% ABW)
Sooo…is 12.9 brix 1.050 or 1.053? I’m confused. :-[ It looks like he divides the brix number by 1.04 to get degrees plato. I think I may have screwed up my configuration in Beersmith as it requires you to calibrate your refractometer…which I sort of fudged… So this may be all my fault.
12.9°Bx is 1.0522 (SG 20/20°C). A refractometer reading of 12.9°Bx in wort corresponds to an SG of about 1.049-1.051, depending on the wort correction factor.
I’m making a starter this weekend so I’ll use that as an opportunity to double check everything and fix my calibration in beersmith. I’m not sure where I got the numbers I put in there but my correction factor was something like 0.99. When I put in some values that give me a correction closer to 1.04 then beersmith matches Sean’s site for OG.