Peppery Flavored Flowers in a Saison ?
Peppery Flavored Flowers in a Saison ?
have not tried. would like to taste it though. I love nasturtiums in salad. I wonder what cooking would do to the flavour? maybe dry flowered?
Dry in secondary may be the way to go. I am gonna have a plenty of them and so will try a little
boil of them in water to see what derives from that. What got me thinking about these was the flavor
and the lack of oils. An interesting spice addition for sure. And coming into the hot
months of ambient for saison fermentation this will be a game on thing.
Last year, I had Kim Wood’s Duckalicious Saison. It was awesome. Nice and peppery. Here was the recipe from the article:
For 5.0 gallons at 1.062, 4.8 SRM, 6.6%ABV, 26 IBUs, 90 minutes boil
Malt / Grain / Sugar
8.75 lbs Pilsner Malt
0.62 lbs Munich Malt
0.37 lbs Wheat Malt
0.25 lbs Rye Malt
0.83 lbs Sugar
Single infusion – 147F for 90 minutes
0.83 oz Williamette Pellets 60 minutes
0.83 oz Styrian Goldings Pellets 60 minutes
0.42 oz Hallertau Pellets 0 minutes
0.25 oz Styrian Goldings 0 minutes
WLP565 Saison I and Wyeast 3724 Belgian Saison
1 small Kim Wood sized handfuls of Nasturtiums added with the knock out hops
Thanks Drew that just adds to the conviction that I should do this… ;D
But Drew do you know if they were fresh or dried?
Fresh - Kim told me that she’d picked them straight from the garden.
Here goes nuthin. 3711 is on the stirplate. Nasturtiums are a bloomin. Summer Saison brew day is on the NEAR horizon.
+1 I Imagine the flavor would be subdued unless you put a crapload in.
I used nasturtium flowers in a Saison just a week ago. I used about 50 flowers in the boil at about 3 minutes. By weight, it was slightly more than an ounce. “The Homebrewer’s Garden” recommends 5 to 10 cups of flowers late in the boil, and I’m sure I was at the low end of that scale. My Saison is a small beer, less than 1.040, and I didn’t want the spicy vegetal flavor of the flowers to dominate, in case my final gravity is low (my first saison, which I’m drinking right now–not now, as in 7:00 am, you understand–ended up at 1.003). For the same reason, I kept the IBUs low, ~20. I did add .75 oz of Willamette while chilling.
Before attempting this brew, I read about using nasturtiums here:
The gentleman posting there recommended as much as four ounces of flowers, if you want the flavor to be noticeable.
My Saison has weeks to go (I’m fermenting low and slow), but I’ll post back with results.
Still in rotation line up secondary waiting for a spot in the fridge…no taste notes yet.
I put in all the flowers that were blooming that morning. I had no more. Also in the beer
went some red cedar berries I kinda doubt if much of the flower contribution shines thru…
Very (opaque) cloudy ocher color, still yeast not settled out. Tastes like 3711 and the red cedar
berries are more than the nasturtium. There was a slight pepper note but not well
pronounced. This beer is a good balance of malt to hop. Leans more to the bitter end
of the spectrum. Dry and fermented complete. Full mouthfeel. I polluted my palate just
prior to this taste so if I get more impressions I will put em up for y’all. Its a Saison in
all regards.