Relatively new to kegging (4th keg in the 4 tap kegerator) I have been working through “issues” as they have come up. One that has come up that has been slightly worrisome is that the quick disconnects seem to have (every one in awhile) a rather tenuous seal to the posts.
I have all pin lock connections and did the requisite refurb of the posts, etc. when I first set everything up. I did not replace the poppets or the o rings on them, but they all seem to be in good shape and tight when they are inserted in the posts.
I have noted that on occasion the gas posts are rather “sensitive” to being moved as lines were moved around the inside of the kegerator. Moved slightly, you can hear the gas escaping. With a little fidgeting, I can always get the “flow” to stop.
The slightly more troublesome issue I have been having is that the QD for the liquid post on a recent keg seems even more “sensitive”. On occasion, it has allowed a flow of beer out from under the QD. Again, a little fidgeting and I can usually get it to stop. I noticed the other day that a flow had occurred when the kegerator was closed over the course of a couple days as dried beer was evident on the side of the keg and around the bottom - sticking it to the floor.
I cleaned that up, took apart the QD, checked, cleaned and sanitized all the parts, and replaced it - being extra careful when I redistributed the lines and closed the door. I made sure the cap plug was well tightened down. Every so often I just crack the door to be sure all is in good order.
My main question/concern is has anyone else experienced the same “sensitivity” with pin lock QDs? And is there anything I should be doing different? Is this something inherent with pin locks?
A lot of beer has not been wasted to this point - nor gas (as far as I can tell). But it is worrisome that I can’t just close the door and forget about it. It doesn’t seem like the QDs should be that sensitive.
I have pin locks and have the same issue from time to time. Keg lube with new o rings is your friend. Also make sure that all of your screw on connections at the disconnects are nice and tight.
I’m going to go ahead and change out the o rings - even though they were/are relatively newly replaced. I did replace them when I re-furbed the kegs back in August or September. And then use more lube than I have been.
Rings shouldn’t go bad that quickly. Do you apply lube every time you attach a disconnect? If not, you should. Your rings will last much longer. Without the lube the rings get nudged and can tear.
Also, check to make sure you have the proper rings. I have read that ball lock rings will work, but I know there is a size specific to pinlock posts.
You should be able to tell by looking at the o-ring in its position if it is the right size. It should fit securely and not be loose in the groove and it should also stick out farther than the post itself. If it is flush with the post or doesn’t fill up the space in the groove where it sits, then you may need a fatter 0-ring.
Thanks Steve and jeffy. In doing a bit more research, it certainly appears that the o rings for pin locks are different - slightly larger and fatter. Several forum stories telling tragic similar tales of woe to my own.
The replacement rings I put on the posts during my re-furb were just ordered “blind” as replacement kits. I’m assuming that they are more specifically for ball locks.
Looks like I’m picking up “pin lock o rings” and being careful until traded out.
I had the same issue when I first set up my kegs many years ago. I found that the post O-Rings I had purchased wer not the correct thickness. I forget if there is a difference between ball lock and pin lock post o-rings. (once I found the correct size, I bought a bag of them and have had an “infinate” supply ever since)
My bag of 100 says “70 Buna size 112” I picked up a bag of 100 for pretty cheap and do not regret having them handy.
Once I installed those… I am probably on 4 years or so on my kegs without leaks.
The only issue I have is with old poppits that spray when I pull off a QD. I have been replacing those as I rotate through my kegs this year, and have found that the universal poppets work well. (I have a number of styles of pin lock kegs…each with different poppet styles… so the “one size fits all” has been a god send)
Yep, found out that pin lock vs ball lock o rings are just slightly different. From other forum posts I found a discussion about Danco #10s (1/2 in. I.D. x 11/16 in. O.D. x 3/32 in. wall) at HD and picked up a pack of 10 last night on the way home from work.
Replaced the rings on both posts of the four kegs I have. You could tell that the original o rings (purchased “blindly” months ago as part of a keg re-furb package - no idea what the size was) were “stretched” more around the notch in the posts and when I took them off were slightly thinner than the new #10s.
Immediately I could tell that the seat/seal was better when I re-attached the QDs. After turning the gas back on I even jiggled the QDs a bit - no liquid or gas leaks at all.
Did you say you got the rings at Home Depot? Never knew they carried them. I bought a 10 year supply from McMaster a while back, but good to know where to look if I am in a bind.