leaky keg when disconnect is attached

Unfortunately, I use pin lock kegs. One of my kegs just started leaking when the liquid disconnect is attached but when I disconnect it seals normally. I have removed the disconnect to clean and inspect it but don’t see any problems. Any ideas? I suppose I could try a disconnect from a different keg and if there is no issue just replace the faulty one.

Post orings. Most likely just wore out. When you replace, be sure to buy the right size. Many people say that the rings for ball locks are interchangeable with pin locks, but that is not the case.

Thanks! I don’t normally have problems with my kegs so my troubleshooting is not great. I think I have some new post o rings around. Hopefully they are the right type.

The ball lock size will generally work fine. They are just a hair smaller in diameter.

Also be sure to put keg lube on your rings. It helps them last longer.

Using keg lube is one thing I do regularly which is probably why I haven’t had to replace any o rings yet.

I have keg lube, but a lot of times I’m lazy and just hit my posts with a couple sprays of StarSan before connecting. I’m not sure if it works, but I haven’t had an o-ring failure in a couple of years.

I don’t know if a spritz of star san does anything for the rings, but it makes connecting so much easier.

Goschman -

Not sure if you’ve already fixed your leak issue but I had the same issue when I first set up my kegerator. I have 4 pin locks (couldn’t pass up the deal at the time) and was seeing leaking (flowing more like it) from under the QD unless it was seated just right. The slightest bump from a line or whatever would start the flow again.

After researching I found that the O rings were indeed the issue and are different than for ball locks. Here is my post when I figured it out.

Found out that pin lock vs ball lock o rings are just slightly different. From other forum posts I found a discussion about Danco #10s (1/2 in. I.D. x 11/16 in. O.D. x 3/32 in. wall) at Home Depot and picked up a pack of 10 last night on the way home from work.
Replaced the rings on both posts of the four kegs I have. You could tell that the original o rings (purchased “blindly” months ago as part of a keg re-furb package - no idea what the size was) were “stretched” more around the notch in the posts and when I took them off were slightly thinner than the new #10s.
Immediately I could tell that the seat/seal was better when I re-attached the QDs. After turning the gas back on I even jiggled the QDs a bit - no liquid or gas leaks at all.